Susanna Martorell Salleras2024-04-03T11:40:18+02:00

Susanna Martorell Salleras

Member of Research Line in ​Clinical research on prevalent community diseases​

ORCID: 0000-0001-7088-1403

Scientific Profile: U-RECERCA

Susanna Martorell has a degree in Veterinary Medicine from the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) and she started working as a clinical veterinarian in different clinics and veterinary hospitals. In 2003 she applied for a 3-year scholarship associated with a Canine Immunology and Leishmaniosis project in the Department of Animal Medicine and Surgery, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (UAB). This is where Susanna started her training as a Researcher. 

Once this period was over and as a result of the experience gained, she obtained a job at Zoetis Manufacturing & Research to participate in the development of vaccines for companion animals where she has been working since then. 

At present Susanna has obtained an Industrial Doctorate scholarship to carry out her doctoral thesis project entitled “Development of a vaccine against canine Leishmaniosis”

My last happenings:

Predictive capacity for local disease control of neogenin-1 (NEO1) transcriptional expression in patients with head and neck squamous cell carcinoma

Gemma Fuster has just published a research article in collaboration with Hospital de Sant Pau and Hospital Clínic where the researchers analyse the predictive capacity for local disease control of the transcriptional expression of the neogenin-1 (NEO1) gene in patients with head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC). We performed a retrospective neogenin-1 (NEO1) transcriptional study on tumour biopsies from 107 surgically treated HNSCC patients. Neogenin-1 is the receptor for netrin-1 and has been classified as a tumour suppressor gene in some cancers, such as colorectal cancer. In contrast, in this study shows that HNSCC patients with lower [...]

June 20, 2024|

Effect of photobiomodulation in the balance between effector and regulatory T cells in an experimental model of COPD

Effect of photobiomodulation in the balance between effector and regulatory T cells in an experimental model of COPD Authors: Aurileia Aparecida de Brito, Karine Zanella Herculano, Cristiano Rodrigo de Alvarenga-Nascimento, Cintia Estefano-Alves, Cinthya Cosme Gutierrez Duran, Rodrigo Labat Marcos, Jose Antonio Silva Junior, Maria Cristina Chavantes, Stella Regina Zamuner, Flavio Aimbire, Laia Llado-Pelfort, Albert Gubern, Anna Fàbrega, Renata Kelly da Palma and Ana Paula Ligeiro de Oliveira Introduction: Currently, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) has a high impact on morbidity and mortality worldwide. The increase of CD4+, CD8+ cells expressing NF-κB, STAT4, IFN-γ and [...]

June 18, 2024|

Oumayma Ghanam presented the results of his final thesis degree at VIII Workshop on Wound Healing

Very proud of the nursing student Oumayma Ghanam Zaidan for the advances in her final thesis degree (TFG, abbreviation from the Catalan language) presented at VIII Workshop on Wound Healing, Vic June 7th, 2024. Title of the poster communication: “Quality of life in people with complex injuries: validation of an assessment scale”(1) · Original title form the poster communication: “La qualitat de vida en les persones amb ferides complexes: validació d’una escala d’avaluació” Ghanam-Zaidan, Oumayma; Casals-Zorita, Marta; Masó-Albareda, Clara; PalacioArronis, Natàlia 1-Faculty of Health and Welfare Sciences, University of Vic - Central University of Catalonia. (UVIC-UCC); 2-Tissue Repair and [...]

June 18, 2024|
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