Susanna Martorell Salleras

Member of Research Line in ​Clinical research on prevalent community diseases​

ORCID: 0000-0001-7088-1403

Scientific Profile: U-RECERCA

Susanna Martorell has a degree in Veterinary Medicine from the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) and she started working as a clinical veterinarian in different clinics and veterinary hospitals. In 2003 she applied for a 3-year scholarship associated with a Canine Immunology and Leishmaniosis project in the Department of Animal Medicine and Surgery, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (UAB). This is where Susanna started her training as a Researcher. 

Once this period was over and as a result of the experience gained, she obtained a job at Zoetis Manufacturing & Research to participate in the development of vaccines for companion animals where she has been working since then. 

At present Susanna has obtained an Industrial Doctorate scholarship to carry out her doctoral thesis project entitled “Development of a vaccine against canine Leishmaniosis”

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