Silvia Bérgamo Vázquez2024-11-19T10:42:48+01:00

Silvia Bérgamo Vázquez

Member of Research Line in Biomarkers and Mesothelial Pathophysiology

ORCID: 0000-0003-1697-3686

Scientific Profile: URECERCA

She is graduated in Pharmacy from the University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain, in 2012. In 2013, Silvia started as a Clinical Biochemistry resident in Valld’Hebrón Hospital and in 2017 she finished her training period and started to work as a Biochemistry in a hospital laboratory. During this period, she participated in some hospital research studies.

In 2020 she began to work in Fundació Althaia and decided to start her Phd studies at University of Vic-Central University of Catalonia.

My last happenings:

  • utility human

Utility of human epididymis protein 4 in the differential diagnosis of ascites

Utility of human epididymis protein 4 in the differential diagnosis of ascites Authors: Silvia Bérgamo , Jaume Trapé , Laura González García , Carolina González Fernández , Carme Vergara , Noelia de la Torre , Glòria Trujillo , Dolors Estivill , Marco Antonio Álvarez González , Laia Bosch , Marta Otero Viñas , Carmen Bergós , Silvia Catot , Domingo Ruiz Hidalgo , Sandra Ros , Francesc Sant Abstract Background and aims: Human epididymal protein 4 (HE4) may be a useful tool in the differential diagnosis of malignant ascites. The aim of this study [...]

April 30, 2024|
  • lung cancer

Lung cancer tumor markers in serous effusions and other body fluids

Article: Lung cancer tumor markers in serous effusions and other body fluids Authors: Jaume Trapé, Silvia Bérgamo, Laura González-Gracía, Carolina González-Fernández. Abstract: From its onset and during its progression, lung cancer may affect various extrapulmonary structures. These include the serous membranes, the pleura and pericardium, and less frequently the central nervous system, with leptomeningeal involvement. In these cases, fluid accumulates in the serous membranes which may contain substances secreted by the tumor. Measuring the concentrations of these substances can provide useful information for elucidating the origin of the fluid accumulation, either in pleural and pericardial effusions or in [...]

December 21, 2022|
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