TR2Lab high schools program

The TR2Lab offers a practical extension of the laboratories to the high schools for shedding the scientific knowledge of the University of Vic-Central University of Catalonia to the society

To contribute to the social impact of TR2Lab research, we have recently developed the TR2Lab’s science dissemination program to promote the interest in the science among high school and undergraduate students for increasing the interest in scientific vocations since the early stages of education.

More than 800 student of high school have participated in the TR2Lab’s Biomedical Workshop during the last 4 years

824 students from science branch in high school have attended the practical courses on PCR or Western Blot techniches organized by TR2Lab and BEM research groups in the UVic-UCC. The students of different high schools had the chance to enjoy a University environment during the practical courses that complement the biology curricula of the first and second year of Batxillerat.

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