Renata Kelly da Palma
Member of Research Line in Mechanisms of tissue repair and regeneration
Email: rdapalma@umanresa.cat
ORCID: 0000-0002-4799-0385
Dr. Da Palma did his PhD (2015) at the Universidade Nove de Julho (Sao Paulo, Brazil). After completing her doctoral thesis, she pursued her current research interests in tissue engineering, disease models, and organ repair. Since then, she has focused on using the acellular extracellular matrix to characterize different lung diseases, such as asthma, COPD, and fibrosis, and propose new approaches in vitro. Furthermore, during her last postdoctoral research (2021), where she was awarded a Marie Curie Fellowship at IBEC (Barcelona, Spain), she developed devices that mimic organs such as the heart, lung, and intestine increased her interest in the organ-on-a-chip platform. Renata is a Professor of the Department of Physiotherapy at the University of Vic – Central University of Catalonia (UVic-UCC).
Dr. Da Palma has years of experience in the field of regenerative medicine, biomaterial, cell-biomaterial interactions, organs-on-chip technology, decellularization, and generation of engineering tissues.
My last happenings:
Hydrogels Associated with Photodynamic Therapy Have Antimicrobial Effect against Staphylococcus aureus A Systematic Review
Article: Hydrogels Associated with Photodynamic Therapy Have Antimicrobial Effect against Staphylococcus aureus: A Systematic Review Coauthors: Ricardo S. Moura, João Pedro R. Afonso, Diego A. C. P. G. Mello, Renata Kelly Palma, Iransé Oliveira-Silva, Rodrigo F. Oliveira, Deise A. A. P. Oliveira, Dante B. Santos, Carlos Hassel M. Silva,Orlando A. Guedes, Giuseppe Insalaco Luís V. F. Oliveira. Acces to article: DOI Abstract: Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) is a Gram-positive bacterium that causes infections ranging from mild superficial cases to more severe, potentially fatal conditions. Many photosensitisers used in photodynamic therapy are more effective against superficial infections due [...]
Enhancing Lung Recellularization with Mesenchymal Stem Cells via Photobiomodulation Therapy: Insights into Cytokine Modulation and Sterilization
Article: Enhancing Lung Recellularization with Mesenchymal Stem Cells via Photobiomodulation Therapy: Insights into Cytokine Modulation and Sterilization. Coauthors: Leticia L. Guimarães, Auriléia A. Brito, Andressa D. Cereta, Ana Paula L. Oliveira, João Pedro R. Afonso, Diego A. C. P. G. Mello, Iransé Oliveira-Silva, Carlos H. M. Silva, Rodrigo F. Oliveira, Deise A. A. P. Oliveira, Rodolfo de Paula Vieira, Dante Brasil Santos, Giuseppe Insalaco, Luís V. F. Oliveira, Renata Kelly da Palma. Acces to article: DOI Abstract: Several lung diseases can cause structural damage, making lung transplantation the only therapeutic option for advanced disease stages. However, the [...]
Effect of photobiomodulation in an experimental in vitromodel of asthma-Copd overlap
Article: Effect of photobiomodulation in an experimental in vitromodel of asthma-Copd overlap. Coauthors: Marina Bertoni Guerra, Kelly Gomes Santana, Marcos Momolli, Rodrigo Labat, Maria Cristina Chavantes, Stella Regina Zammuner, José Antonio Silva Júnior, Renata Kelly da Palma, Flavio Aimbire, Ana Paula Ligeiro de Oliveirae Acces to article: https://doi.org/10.1002/jbio.202400124 Abstract: The objective of the study was to evaluatethe effect of photobiomodulation (PBM)with laser on the inflammatory process inan experimental in vitro model of ACO. The groups were: (1) human bronchialepithelial cells (BEAS-2B); (2) BEAS-2B cells treated with dexamethasone;(3) BEAS-2B cells irradiated with laser; (4) BEAS-2B cells stimulated with [...]