Raquel Alcaraz Romàn2022-11-16T07:56:44+01:00

Raquel Alcaraz Romàn

Student linked to group Line in Innovation in Wound Healing

Email: raquel.alcaraz@uvic.cat

Raquel is in her fourth year of Nursing degree at the University of Vic- Central University of Catalonia.  She is very interested in wound care and geriatric nursing.

Currently, she is developing her TFG about quality of life in complex wounds and how it affects different groups of people, to develop the study, Raquel is doing internships in the clinical wound unit of the Hospital de la Santa Creu in collaboration with the Research Line in wound healing

My last happenings:

The effectiveness of core stability exercises on functional outcomes in early subacute stroke recovery: a randomized controlled trial

Article: The effectiveness of core stability exercises on functional outcomes in early subacute stroke recovery: a randomized controlled trial Coauthors: Rosa Cabanas-Valdés, Lídia Boix-Sala, Marta Ferrer-Solà, Montserrat Grau-Pellicer, Nuria Gracia-Pí, Neus Torrella-Vivó, Marta Morales-Zafra, Eric Esteve-Hernández, Juan-Antonio Guzmán-Bernal, Fernanda-Maria Caballero-Gómez, Begoña Molina-Hervás, Samira González-Hoelling, Ana Lobato-Bonilla, Carlos López-de-Celis, Esther Cánovas, Gerard Urrutia DOI:https://doi.org/10.1080/10749357.2024.2439712 Abstract Background: The core is important in providing local strength and balance and is central to almost all kinetic chains of daily activities. Objective: This study aimed to assess the effectiveness of additional Core Stability Exercises (CSE) to conventional physiotherapy (CP) versus CP alone [...]

February 17, 2025|
  • jornada de ferides

The period for sending communications for the IX Workshop on Wound Healing is open

The period for sending communications for the 2025 Wound Day opens today Monday, January 27 and will be open until March 9. Remember that the papers presented may be about: Free theme: of any topic related to the attention to wounds. Only abstracts written in Catalan will be accepted. The works may be of two types: a) presentation of a clinical case or b) original research works. You will find more information in the Communications Bases and instructions of the communications to present a scientific communication. Communications from healthcare professionals, results of doctoral theses, and final degree and [...]

January 27, 2025|

The Injury Clinic Unit has participated in the 12th INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS

"HEALTH PREVENTION; THE NEW PARADIGM IN THE TREATMENT OF WOUNDS" held in Santiago de Chile on 10 and 11 with the participation of 1300 attendees. The Unit has presented the model of care and clinical and research aspects. Marta Ferrer of the Clinical Unit of wounds and member of the TR2Lab participated in 3 activities. As moderator of the table “Injuries Related to Dependency, a Preventable Pathology”, with the participation of speakers from Chile, Brazil, the United States, Spain and Ecuador, The presentation of a selected clinical case by Clara Masó and the [...]

December 5, 2024|
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