Very proud of the nursing student Raquel Alcaraz Roman for the advances in his final thesis degree (TFG, abbreviation from the Catalan language) presented at VII Workshop on Wound Healing, Vic June 16th, 2023.
Title of the poster communication: “Pain and quality of life in patients with venous, arterial and diabetic foot wounds in a clinical wound unit” (1)
- Original title form the poster communication: “El dolor i la qualitat de vida en pacients amb ferides d’etiologia venosa, arterial i peu diabètic en una Unitat Clínica de Ferides” Alcaraz-Roman, Raquel1; Sendra-Soronellas, Júlia1; Masó-Albareda, Clara2,3; Rovira-Dalmau, Maria2
1- Faculty of Health and Welfare Sciences, Universitat de Vic- Universitat Central de Catalunya (UVic-UCC); 2-Tissue Repair and Regeneration Laboratory (TR2Lab), Institute for Research and Innovation in Life and Health Sciences in Central Catalonia (IrisCC), Vic, Barcelona, Spain; 3- Fundació Hospital de la Santa Creu de Vic, Vic, Barcelona, Spain
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