Article: Prevalence of Skin Integrity-Related Injuries In A Tertiary Paediatric Hospital.

Authors: Pérez-Acevedo G, Torra-Bou JE, Urrea-Ayala M, Bosch-Alacaraz A.

Link: Prevalence of Skin Integrity-Related Injuries in a Tertiary Paediatric Hospital.pdf


Introduction: Pressure injuries (PI) and incontinence-associated dermatitis (IAD) are two actual and potential health problems for
paediatric patients admitted to acute hospitals, with consequences at different levels and with scarce epidemiological information.
Patients, Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted to determine the prevalence of PI, incontinence, IAD,
medical adhesive related injuries (MARSI), surgical wound complications and extravasation skin lesions in a tertiary maternal and
child university hospital in Barcelona, Spain.
Results: The prevalence of IP was estimated at 1.9% in paediatric inpatient units and 14.29% in intensive care units. All LPP identified in the study were incident. The prevalence of incontinence was 46.79% in inpatient units and 85.19% in intensive care units,
with ADI prevalence of 1.92% and 14.29% respectively.


Paediatric Patients; Pressure Injuries; Incontinence; Incontinence-Associated Dermatitis; Clinical Device-Related Pressure
Injuries. Extravasation Injuries