The TR2Lab is integrated by researchers from several institutions: University of Vic – Central University of Catalonia, Consorci Hospitalari de Vic, Hospital Universitari de la Santa Creu de Vic, Fundació Hospital d’Olot i Comarcal de la Garrotxa, Althaia – Xarxa Assistencial Universitaria Manresa, and other international collaborators.

Our Lab develops projects at the intersection of health sciences and life sciences taking advantage of the multidisciplinary character of the research team. Also, we have the priority to promote a successful career of all the team members.

Our group works from the perspective that innovation occurs at the interface of different disciplines. Since this hypothesis, the TR2Lab interdisciplinary team works to approach projects from different areas:

  • Since patient care, using the model of chronic cutaneous ulcers to study the response to treatments that promote the repair and / or tissue regeneration and to identify clinical parameters that correlate with the difficulty of tissue repair.
  • From epidemiology, analyzing population data for identification of comorbidities or specific etiologies that can condition the ability to repair and / or tissue regeneration.
  • From cell biology and genomics, studying the cellular processes involved in tissue repair and regeneration, and translational and transcriptional changes that might be associated with inhibited in tissue repair and regeneration.


We strongly believe in working in interdisciplinary teams for achieving our goal to impact in people’s welfare and quality of life.

In 2005, the Hospital Universitari de la Santa Creu de Vic (HUSC) established an organized and standardized wound care protocol. The implementation of this protocol was the fundamental to promote, in 2008, the creation of the Clinical Wound Unit of HUSC, for consolidating an integrated multidisciplinary team to deal the treatment of complex chronic ulcers of the region’s patients. In 2015, the professionals of Clinical Wound Unit joined to the TR2Lab research team to promote the research activity of the Unit.

Currently, the clinical core facilities and a team of specialists of the Clinical Wounds Unit of HSC allow to generate clinical experience on the management of complex non-healing wounds by introducing new technological innovations and by applying a personalized care.

The Clinical Wound Unit of HUSC has a great leadership on the county for treating complex chronic wounds not only by the increasing number of patients and cutaneous wounds treated annually but also for successful healing that is reaching the unit. During the last decade, the Clinical Wound Unit has achieved to increase annually the percentage of healed wounds and currently its success rate is close to 70%.

Also, the effort to establish a coordination around the patient and the incorporation of new technologies of the Clinical Wound Unit of the HUSC has resulted in a gradual reduction of hospital admissions arising from the care of chronic wounds.

We help students contribute to a better world by training them to become respected and independent scientists.

As a group we strive:

  • To foster the personal, academic, and professional growth of our students.
  • To transmit to the next generation of scientists our commitment to an ethical, excellent, rigorous, and true science.
The TR2Lab is committed to the AGENDA 2030, the action plan adopted by the United Nations General Assembly for Sustainable Development, which consists of 17 OBJECTIVES that encompass the economic, social, and environmental spheres, in order to eradicate poverty and promote peace, as well as justice and gender equality, among others. In short, an approach in favor of people, the planet, and prosperity.

The TR2Lab activity seeks to contribute to the achievement of the following Sustainable Development Goals (SDG):

TR2Lab is also committed to the Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) program promoted by the European Commission.

This program aims to bring society closer to science, which, despite the positive impact it generates, sometimes creates ethical dilemmas and controversy. For this reason, the objective of the RRI concept is to involve society in scientific discussion, in order to improve the world and its future.

The main mission of TR2Lab is to improve the welfare of people through interdisciplinary and translational research focused on understanding the mechanisms involved in tissue repair and regeneration. Additionally, we help students contribute to a better world by training them to become respected and independent scientists.