Marta Ferrer Solà, coordinator of the research line in the innovation of wound healing at TR2Lab, attended the 2018 Jornada de Ferides. Peu diabètic in Vic, 25 May.

The “Jornada d’Atenció a les Ferides” is a scientific workshop organized by the Universitary Hospital of la Santa Creu de Vic (HUSC) together with the scientific support of the TR2Lab with the technical support of the “Fundació Osona per a la Recerca i l’Educació Sanitàries (FORES)” The main topic of the dissemination session is to give light to the improvement of the wound healing process. This year has taken place its 3rd edition dedicated to the Diabetic Foot.

In the conference of Marta Ferrer titled “Innovació i noves tecnologies en el peu diabètic” she presented an update of different intervention for treating the diabetic foot ulcers.