Mariola Cano, member of TR2Lab and first-year doctoral candidate, presents the first article related with her doctoral thesis at TR2Lab Journal Club session.
The article “Targeting Oxidative Stress and Mitochondrial Dysfunction in the Treatment of Impaired Wound Healing: A Systematic Review” shows the entangled relationship between Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) and chronic wounds.
Mariola Cano is a nurse at Martinique and she is doing her doctoral thesis at the University des Antilles under the co-supervision of Rémi Nèviere from the Université des Antilles and Marta Otero from the UVic-UCC.
With this article presentation, Mariola finishes this year’s doctoral stay at the UVic-UCC according to the international co-tutoring agreement.
Congrats Mariola for your contribution to the wound healing research field!
We are looking forward to having you next year!
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