Mariola Cano, a nurse from the Martinique Island, visits the TR2Lab

Dra. Marta Otero has invited Mariola Cano a nurse of the Martinique Islands. During her visit in Spain, Cano has visited the TR2Lab and she had a tour around the research lab facilities at the University of Vic – Central University of Catalonia, as well as the wound clinic unit facilities at the University Hospital of the Santa Creu de Vic. During this meeting, we have explored new opportunities to collaborate in the research area of wound healing.

Dra. Otero, the TR2Lab director, has welcomed and has introduced Cano to several researchers from the wound healing research line of the TR2Lab with whom she has explored joint research initiatives.

This partnership with Mariola Cano will open the door to talk about future collaborations with the Université des Antilles by promoting joint doctoral programs in the research area of wound healing.