Maria Rovira Dalmau2024-11-19T10:49:46+01:00

Maria Rovira Dalmau

Member of Research Line in Innovation in wound healing

The career of Maria began in 2019 as a Nurse in Hospital d’Olot i Comarcal de la Garrotxa. She had previously been an undergraduate member of TR2Lab during two academic years (2017-2018 / 2018-2019). For her degree final thesis, she collaborated in a project about the effects of beta-blocker medication in wound healing (2018-2019).

She is a Nurse by the University of Vic – Central University of Catalonia (2019) and she is undertaking a Master’s degree in Nutrition and Health by the Open University of Catalonia.

My last happenings:

Maria Rovira Dalmau presented an e-poster at EWMA international congress 2023

Maria Rovira Dalmau, a member of TR2Lab, presented an e-poster at the 33rd Conference of The European Wound Management Association (EWMA), celebrated in Milan, Italy on 3-5 may, 2023. The title of the poster was: “A study case: multidisciplinary approach and advanced therapies for treating a diabetic foot ulcer” (1). The case reflected the importance of a multidisciplinary and rapid approach to diabetic foods to preserve the patient's autonomy and prevent major amputation. The original title of the electronic poster is a study case: multidisciplinary approach and advanced therapies for treating a diabetic foot ulcer. Rovira-Dalmau, Maria1,2; Masó-Albareda, Clara1,2; [...]

May 23, 2023|

Maria Rovira Dalmau presented an e-poster at EWMA international congress 2023

Maria Rovira Dalmau, a member of TR2Lab, presented an e-poster at the 33rd Conference of The European Wound Management Association (EWMA), celebrated in Milan, Italy on 3-5 May 2023. The title of the poster was “Autologous growth factors treatment for upper extremity minor traumatic wounds in elders” (1). The case reported reflected the efficacy of autologous growth factors therapy in minor traumatic wounds in elders with fragile skin. The therapy was able to soothe the pain and accelerate the healing process improving their quality of life. The original title of the electronic poster: Autologous growth factor treatment for upper [...]

May 22, 2023|

Maria Rovira Dalmau, TR2Lab TFG student, defends her final thesis degree

Maria Rovira Dalmau, who did her Final Thesis Degree under the co-supervision of PhD. Ester Goutan, presented the thesis “Estudi de l’efecte dels betabloquejants orals en les ferides complexes”  in Vic, 11 June.  Maria is working in the research line of “Health conditionsand tissue regeneration” and she is studying the effect of beta blockers in the healing of complex wounds and also the effects of the pathologies and treatments that the patients have with the healing. Congratulations to Maria Rovira, on her successful degree thesis defense.

July 13, 2019|
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