Last Friday, March 10th, the Faculty of Sciences, Technology, and Engineering (FCTE) at the University of Vic – Central University of Catalonia (UVic-UCC) held the One Health: from Environment to Individuals conference. This event highlighted the concept of One Health, which brings together human, animal, and environmental health, and aims to stand out the research carried out by different groups within the faculty in the fields of biosciences and engineering.
Three international experts, whose research is related to the faculty’s research, attended the conference. Among them was Dr. Sarah Berndt, head of Cell Therapy Research and Clinical Trail Manager at Regen Lab SA (Switzerland), a leading global company in autologous regenerative medicine products based on fresh platelet-rich plasma preparations derived from the patient’s own blood. TR2Lab has started a scientific collaboration with Dr. Sarah Berndt thanks to this conference.
On the other hand, the doctoral student from the group, Verónica Salgado, played a significant role in the organization of the conference and also participated as a speaker to share the results of her doctoral thesis.
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