Jesús Rebull defends his final degree thesis

Congratulations to Jesús, on his successful degree thesis defense. On january 31st, Jesús Rebull, became graduate on Biotechnology at UVic-UCC after defending his final degree project under the supervision of Marta Cullell.

This academic year 2017/18, two research groups of the UVic-UCC, QuBI (Quantitative Bioimagins) and TR2Lab have started a teaching collaboration to build synergies aimed at approximating their research fields.

The two research groups started their collaboration due to the final degree project of Jesús Rebull Bramón, a fourth-degree student of the Biotechnology Degree. His project consisted of clinical study on the key parameters that determine the evolution of a chronic wound and the analysis of the effectiveness of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy as a biological therapy for the treatment of chronic wounds.

Jesús Rebull has been developed the Final Degree project in the framework of the Clinical Wound Unit of the Hospital Universitari de la Santa Creu de Vic. The main contributions of the project has been: a) design and implementation of a database for clinical and research analysis, b) definition of a matematic model for a rigurous follow up of wounds care, and c) the corroboration that the PRP therapy improve the wound healing.