Ester Fontserè, present at the “IX Congreso Iberolatinoamericano sobre Úlceras y Heridas (GNEAUPP y SILAUHE)”

Ester Fontserè, who is doing a master thesis on the TR2Lab, has attended this May at IX Congreso Iberolatinoamericano sobre Úlceras y Heridas (GNEAUPP y SILAUHE).
During this congress, which has been held in Logroño (Spain), Fontserè has presented the oral comunication: “Utilización de un apósito de alta absorción para el cuidado de heridas con alto exudado”. Also, she has been co-author of another paper presented at this conference: “Estudio del grado de conocimiento de los profesionales de las características del apósito Allevyn life”.