Gemma Sangüesa Puiventós
Member of Research line in Mechanisms of tissue repair and regeneration
Email: gsanguesa@umanresa.cat
ORCID: 0000-0002-6902-4372
Scientific Profile: URECERCA
Professor at the University of Vic – Central University of Catalonia (UVic-UCC).
Graduated in Pharmacy (2011, UB), G. Sangüesa performed her PhD studies in the Department of Pharmacology, Toxicology and Therapeutic Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Barcelona (2017, Extraordinary Doctorate Award, International Mention).
She continued her research career as a postdoctoral researcher in the “Arrhythmias and physical activity” research group at August Pi i Sunyer Biomedical Research Institute (IDIBAPS), Hospital Clinic of Barcelona.
She has carried out research training at different international scientific groups: Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (Ireland), University of the Pacific (California, USA) and Institute of Cardiovascular Sciences (Birmingham, United Kingdom).
She has been involved in several research projects in the metabolic and cardiovascular field, acquiring extensive experience on preclinical and clinical translational studies.
In 2021, she joined the UVic-UCC as a professor on the Manresa Campus, where she mainly teaches Pharmacology in the Faculty of Health Sciences.
My last happenings:
High-Intensity Exercise Promotes Deleterious Cardiovascular Remodeling in a High-Cardiovascular-Risk Model: A Role for Oxidative Stress
Article: High-Intensity Exercise Promotes Deleterious Cardiovascular Remodeling in a High-Cardiovascular-Risk Model: A Role for Oxidative Stress Authors: Meza-Ramos, A.; Alcarraz, A.; Lazo-Rodriguez, M.; Sangüesa, G.; Banon-Maneus, E.; Rovira, J.; Ramirez-Bajo, M.J.; Sitges, M.; Mont, L.; Ventura-Aguiar, P. Link: https://www.mdpi.com/2076-3921/12/7/1462