Original Title (Catalan): Projecte EHECADI (European Health Care Final Disertation)
Principal Investigador: Ester Goutan Roura
Research team members: Elisabet Dachs Cabanes and Marta Otero Viñas from TR2Lab and other investigators from the research groups.
Funded by: Erasmus + KH2 Cooperation partnerships in higher education.
Period: 2022-2025
Project information:
Investigators from TR2Lab (Tissue Repair and Regeneration Laboratory), M3O (Methodology, Methods, Models and Outcomes of health and social sciences) and GREAF (Grup de Recerca en Esport i Activitat Física) from UVIC-UCC will coordinate an Erasmus+ project of the KA2 modality of Cooperation partnerships in higher education, to develop a digital platform (Knowledge Hub) to share tools for the development of TFGs oriented to real necessities of the population in the field of health. This platform will allow the creation of a virtual community of practise, dynamize training courses for the acquisition of transversal skills and make easier practice guides to support the degrees.
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