Very proud of doctoral Student Marta Cullell for the advances in her doctoral project presented at the European Biophysics Congress (12th EBSA 10th ICBP-IUPAP Congress), Madrid 20-24 July 2019.

Cullell presented preliminary results of her Ph.D. project. Title of the poster communication “Exploring the role of integrin glycosylation in wound healing at the single molecule level”. (1)

(1) Marta Cullell-Dalmau,1 Marta Fernandez Reig,1 Jelena Ivčević,1 Montserrat Masoliver Prieto,1 Joan Bertrán Comulada,2 Marta Otero Viñas,3 Carlo Manzo.1 1- the QuBI lab – Quantitative BioImaging – Universitat de Vic – Universitat Central de Catalunya. Vic (Spain); 2- BEM – Bioinformatics and Medical Statistics – Universitat de Vic – Universitat Central de Catalunya. Vic (Spain); 3- TR2Lab – Tissue Repair and Regeneration Laboratory – Universitat de Vic – Universitat Central de Catalunya. Vic (Spain).