Very proud of  Ph.D. Marta Ferrer, coordinator of the research line innovation in wound healing, for presenting the clinical wound unit of Hospital Universitari de la Santa Creu de Vic at the 1st workshop of geriatric nurses organized by Col·legi Infermeres de Barcelona, 29 November 2019.

In this meeting, nurses and geriatric nurses had a space to talk about the topic “Chronic wounds: practical aspects and Fragility and medication. Friends or enemies?”

The title of the conference talk gave by Ph.D. Marta Ferrer was “Models of Clinic Wounds. Experiences”.(1) In her talk she presented the clinical wound unit of Hospital Universitari de la Santa Creu de Vic. The third one to receive the rating of ‘Excellent’ in accordance with the GNEAUPP accreditation model.

(1) Original title (spanish): “Modelos de Clínicas de Heridas. Experiencias”.