Jesús Rebull Bramon, attended the VI Congreso de Investigación Biomédica (CIB 2018) in València, 6, 7 and 8 february. This congress aims to be a meeting point between science, biomedical research and critical thinking; and at the same time, serve as a complementary training tool for undergraduate students. In the last editions around 400 students attended, this has encoraged to organizors to turn the CIB into the benchmark event within the panorama of university scientific research and dissemination in Spain.

In this Congress, Jesús Rebull Bramon presented the oral communication (original title): “Estudio observacional retrospectivo del coeficiente de cicatrización de heridas crónicas tratadas con Plasma Rico en Plaquetas (PRP) ”. (1)The results that he presented were part of his final degree thesis developed in collaboration between two research groups of the UVic-UCC (TR2Lab and QuBI) and the Clinical Wound Unit of the Hospital Universitari de la Santa Creu de Vic.

The study provides new evidence of the efficiency of PRP therapy for the treatment of chronic wounds and corroborates that both the adjustment of an exponential equation to the measurements and the determination of the healing coefficient could help the clinical decision making.

Congratulations Jesús for such excellent achievement!

CIB2018, Jesús Rebull, PRP

(1) Estudio observacional retrospectivo del coeficiente de cicatrización de heridas crónicas tratadas con Plasma Rico en Plaquetas (PRP). Rebull-Bramón J (1), Cullell-Dalmau M (2), Sureda H (1), Clapera F (1), Fontserè E (1), Ferrer M (1), Manzo C (2), Otero-Viñas M(1). 1. TR2Lab and 2. QuBI.