Xavier Jordana Comin 2022

Interview with Xavier Jornada about why the Romans did not hold funeral banquets

9:30 min Last September 21, our member of the TR2Lab and professor of Anthropology at the UAB, Xavier Jordana, gave an interview to Catalan television 9TV, in which he spoke to us about why the popular classes of the Roman Empire did not hold funeral banquets. [...]

Microcracking pattern in fractured bones: new approach for distinguishing between peri- and postmortem fractures

Article: Microcracking pattern in fractured bones: new approach for distinguishing between peri- and postmortem fractures. International Journal of Legal Medicine Authors: Winter-Buchwalder, M., Schwab, N., Galtés, I. Ortega-Sánchez, M., Scheirs, S., Jordana, X. Link Abstract: In this basic and exploratory study, the research team led by Xavier [...]

Food for the soul and food for the body. Studying dietary patterns and funerary meals in the Western Roman Empire: An anthropological and archaeozoological approach

Article: Food for the soul and food for the body. Studying dietary patterns and funerary meals in the Western Roman Empire: An anthropological and archaeozoological approach. Authors: Salazar-García DC, Colominas L, Jordana X Link Abstract Ancient written sources show that Roman funerary rituals were relevant along the entire Roman Republic [...]

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