Outreach area

Verónica Salgado gave a scientific dissemination talk about Biomedicine to the high school students of IES Tona, to promote studying scientific careers

Last Thursday Verónica Salgado gave a scientific dissemination talk about Biomedicine to the high school students of IES Tona, to promote studying scientific careers, talking about her experience and her doctoral thesis in Medicine and Biomedical Sciences. Verónica is currently working in the research line of mechanisms for [...]

Interview with Xavier Jornada about why the Romans did not hold funeral banquets

9:30 min Last September 21, our member of the TR2Lab and professor of Anthropology at the UAB, Xavier Jordana, gave an interview to Catalan television 9TV, in which he spoke to us about why the popular classes of the Roman Empire did not hold funeral banquets. [...]

PhD. Marta Otero, witness to the evolution of research at UVic, 25 years after its recognition

PhD. Marta Otero, coordinator of the TR2Lab research group and vice-rector of research and knowledge transfer from 2008 to 2014, recalls, in a report published in Osona.com last July 1, 2022, the state and evolution of research and the transfer of knowledge from the UVic-UCC. Read de full report

Gemma Fuster Participates as a professor in the Master’s Degree of Patologia Mamària from Faculty of Medicine at the University of Barcelona

Gemma Fuster member of the Research line Mechanisms of tissue repair and regeneration participates as a teacher in the master of Patologia Mamària 2022-2023, taught by the Faculty of Medicine, of the University of Barcelona (UB), which will have the recording of two classes to do part of [...]

Òscar Pérez and Verónica Salgado presented the results of their research at VI Workshop on Wound Healing

Òscar Pérez and Verónica Salgado presented preliminary results of their TFG and doctoral thesis. Title of the poster communication: “Systematic review of platelet-rich plasma effect on in vitro cell function”.

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