Núria Obradors Aranda 2017

Jessica Garrido defends her doctoral thesis

Recently, Jessica Garrido Pedrosa defended the doctoral thesis "Efficacy of cognitive intervention based on occupation in people with dementia in the moderate phase: systematic review and pilot study" directed by Dr. Núria Obradors Aranda and Dra. Isabel Sala Matavera. She obtained the maximum qualification: excel·lent "cum laude". The investigation has [...]

Ester Goutan has obtained a grant in the AQUID 2017

GRANT. Project information. Ester Goutan has obtained a grant for a Teaching Innovation Project. This grant will allow TR2Lab team to develop a strategy for the students who want to collaborate in TR2Lab research group and do their degree thesis with one of the lines of the group. Original Title: Estudi [...]

Ester Goutan presents a short talk at the Workshop “Teaching Innovation Workshop 2017. Rethinking the TFG / TFM in the framework of our degrees”

Ester Goutan,  a member of TR2Lab, has attended the "Teaching Innovation Workshop 2017. Rethinking the Degree/Master Thesis in our curriculums"(original title: JID 2017. Repensant els TFG/TFM en el marc de les nostres titulacions). During this Teaching innovation Workshop at the University of Vic - Central University of Catalonia which has [...]

Effectiveness of cognition-focused interventions in activities of daily living performance in people with dementia: A systematic review.

ARTICLE. Jèssica Garrido-Pedrosa, Isabel Sala, Núria Obradors. British Journal of Occupational Therapy. May 3, 2017, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1177/0308022617698166 Abstract. Introduction. Dementia affects cognitive functions and has a direct impact on the ability to perform activities of daily living. Studies have focused on the impact of cognition-focused interventions on cognitive functions, but [...]

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