Meetings 2021

Ester Goutan presents at the II virtual congress of the SEGG

Very proud of the Ph.D. Ester Goutan, coordinator of the research line health conditions and tissue regeneration, for her contribution in a communication presented at II Congreso virtual Sociedad Española de Geriatría y Gerontología (SEGG), 2nd-4th June 2021. Ester Goutan was a co-author on the poster communication titled: "Falls in [...]

We proud of the contribution of Marta Cullell at “Concurs la Tesi en 4 minuts”

We proud of the participation of Marta Cullell in the contest "Your Thesis in 4 minutes" Marta Cullell, a Ph.D. candidate who develops her doctoral thesis under the supervision of Ph.D. Carlo Manzo and Ph.D. Marta Otero-Viñas, participated in the contest "Your Thesis in 4 minutes" with a presentation titled [...]

Marta Ferrer presented the autologous growth factor therapy at the VII Congreso Internacional Virtual Iberoamericano de Enfermería

Very proud of Ph.D. Marta Ferrer, coordinator of the research line innovation in wound healing, for presenting the autologous growth factor therapy at the VIII Congreso Internacional Virtual Iberoamericano de Enfermería, celebrated online on March 17th-24th, 2021. The title of the conference talk gave by Ph.D. Marta Ferrer was “Autologous [...]

Clara Masó and Marta Casals presented a communication at Simposio de Abordaje Integral del Pie Diabético 2021

Very proud of Clara Masó and Marta Casals for the poster communication presented at the Virtual Simposio de Abordaje Integral del Pie Diabético 2021, celebrated on March 12th, 2021. The title of the poster communication that Marta Casals and Clara Masó presented was "on a purposed case: a comprehensive approach [...]

Marta Casals presented a clinical case at the VII International Iberoamerican Virtual Congress

Very proud of the doctoral student Marta Casals for her presentation at the VII Congreso Internacional Virtual Iberoamericano de Enfermería, celebrated online on March 4th-11th, 2020. Marta Casals presented a clinical case in an oral communication titled "Patient with tumor wound in the lower extremity treated in a Clinical Wound [...]

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