Marta Otero Viñas 2018

TR2Lab team presents a poster at the “Jornada d’Atenció a les Ferides Cròniques: Peu diabètic”

Several TR2Lab team members attended the 2018 Jornada de Ferides. Peu diabètic in Vic, 25 May. The “Jornada d’Atenció a les Ferides” is a scientific workshop organized by the Universitary Hospital of la Santa Creu de Vic (HUSC) together with the scientific support of the TR2Lab with the technical support of [...]

Ester Goutan gave an oral communication at the COHEHRE Conference 2018 in Ghent

Ester Goutan presented at the COHEHRE Conference 2018.  The conference took place from the 18th to the 20th of April in Gent (Belgium). In her oral communation, "Thesis Degree Experience at the Interface of a Clinical Wound Unit and an Academic Research Group" (1), Ester Goutan presented the preliminary results [...]

Marta Otero presented TR2Lab in two UVic-UCC scientific events

Last week, Marta Otero, TR2Lab group leader, participated in two UVic-ucc scientific events of the to contribute of the intern dissemination of the TR2Lab’s activity to the university comunity. In the Research workshop at the Faculty of Health Sciences and Welfare she presented to the faculty members the current research [...]

  • XIII Olimpíada de biologia

Marta Otero gives a talk at the XIII Catalan Biology Olympiad

Marta Otero, director of TR2Lab, gave a talk at the XIII Olimpíada de Biologia (original title) developed at the Faculty of Sciences and Technology. Last Saturday, the University of Vic - Central University of Catalonia (UVic-UCC) once again became one of the five territorial areas of the 2018 edition of [...]

Mariola Cano Sanchez has presented a communication at Journées Cicatrisations 2018 organized by the French and Francophone wound healing society

Mariola Cano Sanchez, who is doing her doctoral thesis under the co-supervision of Ph.D. Marta Otero Viñas, attended the Journées Cicatrisations 2018, an international wound healing congress organized by the French and Francophone wound healing society (SFFPC, on its French acronym). The Journées Cicatrisations meeting of SFFPC was first established [...]

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