Marta Ferrer Solà

  • the effectiveness

The effectiveness of core stability exercises on functional outcomes in early subacute stroke recovery: a randomized controlled trial

Article: The effectiveness of core stability exercises on functional outcomes in early subacute stroke recovery: a randomized controlled trial Coauthors: Rosa Cabanas-Valdés, Lídia Boix-Sala, Marta Ferrer-Solà, Montserrat Grau-Pellicer, Nuria Gracia-Pí, Neus Torrella-Vivó, Marta Morales-Zafra, Eric Esteve-Hernández, Juan-Antonio Guzmán-Bernal, Fernanda-Maria Caballero-Gómez, Begoña Molina-Hervás, Samira González-Hoelling, Ana Lobato-Bonilla, Carlos López-de-Celis, Esther [...]

2025-02-20T17:24:54+01:00February 17, 2025|2025, Articles, Articles 2025, Marta Ferrer Solà|

The Injury Clinic Unit has participated in the 12th INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS

"HEALTH PREVENTION; THE NEW PARADIGM IN THE TREATMENT OF WOUNDS" held in Santiago de Chile on 10 and 11 with the participation of 1300 attendees. The Unit has presented the model of care and clinical and research aspects. Marta Ferrer of the Clinical [...]

Member of TR2Lab participated as a professor in the wound assessment and treatment course at Hospital de Campdevànol del Ripollés

Marta Ferrer, member of TR2Lab, as participated as a professor in the course “Wound assessment and treatment”, at Hospital de Campdevànol del Ripollés, Catalonia, Spain which as had six classes: General and local assessment of wounds Preparation of the wound bed Detection of difficult cases Referrals between care [...]

The Clinical Wound Unit from Fundació Hospital de la Santa Creu de Vic (FHSC-CHV) gets reaccreditation as excellence

On October 22nd, the accreditation committee for centers of the National Group for the Study and Counseling on Pressure Ulcers and Chronic Wounds (GNEAUPP) evaluated the Clinical Wound Unit (CWU) from Fundació Hospital de la Santa Creu de Vic (FHSC-CHV), Catalonia, Spain. Our CWU was evaluated five years [...]

Clara Masó Albareda presented a poster communication at VIII Workshop on Wound Healing

Clara Masó, PhD candidate and member of the TR2Lab, presented a poster communication at VIII Workshop on Wound Healing, Vic June 7th, 2024. The title of the poster was “Autologous skin micrografts as a therapeutic tool of pain control in patients with non-revascularizable arterial ulcers. Case study”(1). She presented [...]

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