Marta Cullell Dalmau

Ester Goutan has obtained a grant in the AQUID 2017

GRANT. Project information. Ester Goutan has obtained a grant for a Teaching Innovation Project. This grant will allow TR2Lab team to develop a strategy for the students who want to collaborate in TR2Lab research group and do their degree thesis with one of the lines of the group. Original Title: Estudi [...]

Ester Goutan presents a short talk at the Workshop “Teaching Innovation Workshop 2017. Rethinking the TFG / TFM in the framework of our degrees”

Ester Goutan,  a member of TR2Lab, has attended the "Teaching Innovation Workshop 2017. Rethinking the Degree/Master Thesis in our curriculums"(original title: JID 2017. Repensant els TFG/TFM en el marc de les nostres titulacions). During this Teaching innovation Workshop at the University of Vic - Central University of Catalonia which has [...]

  • Marta Cullell

Proud to incorporate Professor Marta Cullell, an expert in data analysis.

Proud to incorporate Professor Marta Cullell, an expert in data analysis. Welcome, Marta Cullell, who joins to the research line of Mechanisms of tissue repair and regeneration of the TR2Lab. Her expertise in developing methods for data analyzing will increase the potential of the multidisciplinary TR2Lab team for following and [...]

2017-02-24T09:25:18+01:00February 24, 2017|General, Marta Cullell Dalmau 2017|
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