Mariola Cano Sánchez 2018

Mariola Cano participates in the final of the scientific dissemination contest of the University of the Antilles

On November 17th, took place the final of the research valorization contest organized by the doctoral school of the University of the Antilles (UA) "La science en Pwent". This contest is part of the activities proposed by the UA in the week of science. The contest consists of explaining the [...]

Mariola Cano presents her first doctoral thesis article at a TR2Lab’s Journal Club session

Mariola Cano, member of TR2Lab and first-year doctoral candidate, presents the first article related with her doctoral thesis at TR2Lab Journal Club session. The article “Targeting Oxidative Stress and Mitochondrial Dysfunction in the Treatment of Impaired Wound Healing: A Systematic Review” shows the entangled relationship between Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) [...]

Targeting Oxidative Stress and Mitochondrial Dysfunction in the Treatment of Impaired Wound Healing

Cano Sanchez, M., Lancel, S., Boulanger, E., & Neviere, R. (2018). Targeting Oxidative Stress and Mitochondrial Dysfunction in the Treatment of Impaired Wound Healing: A Systematic Review. Antioxidants, 7(8), 98. Abstract Wound healing is a well-tuned biological process, which is achieved via consecutive and overlapping phases including hemostasis, inflammatory-related [...]

Study of the effect of metalloprotein levels in mitochondrial metabolism in the context of the wound healing process.

GRANT. Project information. Mariola Cano Sanchez obtained a predoctoral grant for developing her doctoral thesis. Original Title (french): "Etude de l'effet des niveaux de métalloprotéines dans le métabolisme mitochondriale dans le contexte du processus de cicatrisation de plaies". Principal Investigador: Mariola Cano Sánchez Thesis supervisor: Marta Otero Viñas Funded by: [...]

Mariola Cano Sanchez has presented a communication at Journées Cicatrisations 2018 organized by the French and Francophone wound healing society

Mariola Cano Sanchez, who is doing her doctoral thesis under the co-supervision of Ph.D. Marta Otero Viñas, attended the Journées Cicatrisations 2018, an international wound healing congress organized by the French and Francophone wound healing society (SFFPC, on its French acronym). The Journées Cicatrisations meeting of SFFPC was first established [...]

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