Judit Masramon Martí 2019

Judit Masramon Martí, TR2Lab TFG student, defends her final thesis degree

Judit Masramon Martí, who did her Final Thesis Degree under the co-supervision of PhD. Ester Goutan, presented the thesis ““Estudi sobre l'elaboració d'una eina per a la prevenció de ferides en persones amb peu diabètic mitjançant l'anàlisis de diferències de temperatura en els peus” in Vic, 11 June. Judit is [...]

The TR2Lab Degree Thesis students Judit Masramon and Maria Rovira are in Nepal for a nursing internship

Judit Masramon and Maria Rovira will be in Nepal from the 1st of April to the 13th of May for the realization of their last nursing internship. In this internship, they will be in the Aatmiya Community Hospital. Apart from the cultural experience, they have to achieve some objectives during [...]

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