Jesús Rebull Bramón 2018

  • CIB2018, Jesús Rebull, PRP

Jesús Rebull Bramon gave an oral communication at VI Congreso de Investigación Biomédica (CIB 2018)

Jesús Rebull Bramon, attended the VI Congreso de Investigación Biomédica (CIB 2018) in València, 6, 7 and 8 february. This congress aims to be a meeting point between science, biomedical research and critical thinking; and at the same time, serve as a complementary training tool for undergraduate students. In the [...]

Jesús Rebull defends his final degree project in mechanisms and tissue regeneration field

Jesús Rebull defends his final degree thesis Congratulations to Jesús, on his successful degree thesis defense. On january 31st, Jesús Rebull, became graduate on Biotechnology at UVic-UCC after defending his final degree project under the supervision of Marta Cullell. This academic year 2017/18, two research groups of the UVic-UCC, QuBI (Quantitative [...]

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