Innovation in wound healing

A course on care for people with skin lesions for the undergraduate nursing programme: competencies and proposed contents

Article: A course on care for people with skin lesions for the undergraduate nursing programme: competencies and proposed contents Authors: J. Javier Soldevilla-Agreda, Pedro L. Pancorbo-Hidalgo, Joan Enric Torra-Bou, Ángel Romero-Collado, José Verdú-Soriano and Francisco P. García-Fernández. Link Article Abstract: This article aims to develop a framework [...]

Marta Casals has received the Beca Hestia 2021

GRANT Principal Investigator: Marta Casals Research Team: Ph.D. Marta Ferrer (thesis co-supervisor) and Ph.D. Elisabet Sarri (thesis co-supervisor) Funded by: Fundación Hestia y la Cátedra Hestia en Atención Integrada Social y Sanitaria de la Universitat Internacional de Catalunya (UIC) Period: 2021 On December 14th, TR2Lab Ph.D. student [...]

Marta Casals presented an oral communication at the XIII Symposium on pressure ulcers and chronic wounds organized by GNEAUPP

Very proud of Ph.D. Marta Ferrer, coordinator of the line of research Innovation in wound healing, by oral communication presented at XIII Symposium on pressure ulcers and chronic wounds organized by GNEAUPP (National Group for the Study and Advice of Pressure ulcers and chronic wounds), celebrated in Toledo, [...]

Marta Casals has received the Beca Consultori Bayés 2021

GRANT Principal Investigator: Marta Casals Research Team: Ph.D. Marta Ferrer (thesis co-supervisor) and Ph.D. Elisabet Sarri (thesis co-supervisor) Funded by: Consultori Bayés. Period: 2021 On November 12th, within the annual meeting of the Col·legi de Metges de Barcelona – Delegació Osona, Marta Casals, TR2Lab Ph.D. student, was [...]

Marta Casals presented an oral communication at the XIII Symposium on pressure ulcers and chronic wounds organized by GNEAUPP

Very proud of doctoral student Marta Casals for the oral communication she presented at the XIII Symposium on pressure ulcers and chronic wounds organized by GNEAUPP (National Group for the Study and Advice of Pressure Ulcers and Chronic Wounds), celebrated in Toledo, Castilla-La Mancha, on November 10-12, 2021. [...]

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