Health conditions and tissue regeneration

EHECADI Project at the Research Night

What about addressing Health and Societal Needs through an International Final Degree Dissertation? Ester Goutan (member of the TR2Lab) and Júlia Casacuberta, presented the EHECADI project at the Research Night with a dissemination video. Link vídeo:

EHECADI partners move forward in Oliveira

Last January 26th and 27th 2023, Ester Goutan and Montse Romero traveled to Olivera de Azeméis, where they met at the Escola Superior de Saúde Norte da Cruz Vermelha Portuguesa with the international partners of the EHECADI project. The project aims to support healthcare students from different disciples [...]

Welcome Natalia

Welcome, Natalia, who joins to Health conditions and tissue regeneration Research line of the TR2Lab. Natalia is studying  4th year of a nursing degree at the University of Vic- Central University of Catalonia. She is very interested in knowing the reasons for the most common medication errors and the improvements [...]

2022-12-11T11:47:08+01:00December 11, 2022|2022, General, Health conditions and tissue regeneration|

Five students from UVic – UCC to take part in European project to develop a final dissertation with solutions to current health challenges

Healthcare students today find themselves studying their profession in globalised and constantly evolving societies. Climate change, digitalisation, the embracing of increasingly diverse populations and the increased pressures of working within the healthcare system are all factors that students must be aware of before transitioning into the workplace. With [...]

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