Guillem Cornet

Guillem Cornet, TR2Lab student, defends his final thesis degree

We are so proud that Guillem Cornet, a TR2Lab member during this academic year, successfully defended his final degree thesis on June 7th. Guillem Cornet developed the specialty clinical practices of the fourth year of the degree in the Clinical Wound Unit of the Hospital Universitari de la Santa Creu [...]

Guillem Cornet presented the results of his final thesis degree at V Workshop on Wound Healing

Very proud of the nursing student Guillem Cornet Puigdesens for the advances in his final thesis degree (TFG, abbreviation from the Catalan language) presented at V Workshop on Wound Healing, Vic 11 June 2021. Guillem Cornet presented preliminary results of his TFG. Title of the poster communication: “Clinical Study on [...]

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