Fina Clapera Cros 2017

III Workshop in care for chronic wounds. Diabetic foot.

GRANT. Project information. TR2Lab has obtained a grant for organizing the third workshop in care for chronic wounds. Original Title: Jornada d’atenció a les ferides cròniques. Peu diabètic Principal Investigador: Marta Otero-Viñas Research Team: Marta Ferrer-Solà, Helena Sureda Vidal, Fina Clapera Cros, Víctor González Martínez, Ester Goutan-Roura, Elisabet Sarri Plans, Albert [...]

6th World Wide Pressure Ulcer Prevention Day

Recently, the Wound Commission of the Fundació Hospital Santa Creu de Vic has carried out a training program on the occasion of the 6th World Wide Pressure Ulcer Prevention Day for new nursing professionals. Some of the outstanding training activities, related with the research developed in the research line in [...]

New collaboration of TR2Lab with the Diabetic Foot Unit of the Germans Trias i Pujol Hospital in the context of the research line in innovation in wound healing.

TR2Lab's members and staff of the Clinical Wound Unit of the Hospital Universitari de la Santa Creu de Vic (HUSC), have started a collaboration with the Diabetic Foot Unit at the Germans Trias i Pujol Hospital (Can Ruti). The objective of this collaboration is to exchange experiences related to the [...]

Mariola Cano, a nurse from the Martinique Island, visits the TR2Lab

Mariola Cano, a nurse from the Martinique Island, visits the TR2Lab Dra. Marta Otero has invited Mariola Cano a nurse of the Martinique Islands. During her visit in Spain, Cano has visited the TR2Lab and she had a tour around the research lab facilities at the University of Vic - [...]

Ester Fontserè-Candell has been awarded the 2nd best oral communication at the XXIX Congress of the Spanish association of Vascular nursing and Injury

Ester Fontserè-Candell, a member of TR2Lab, has been awarded the 2nd best oral communication at the XXIX Congress of the Spanish Association of Vascular Nursing and Injury by the communication titled (original title): “Combinación de técnicas de desbridamiento para el tratamiento de hematomas”. Coauthors of this study: Fontserè-Candell E, Clapera-Cros J, Moruno-Sanchez [...]

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