Elisabet Dachs Cabanas 2020

SARS-CoV-2, el virus que de la nit al dia ens ha canviat la vida i ens ha immers en un món ple de tecnicismes

ARTICLE. Elisabet Dachs-Cabanas i Laia Bosch-Presegué. SARS-CoV-2, el virus que de la nit al dia ens ha canviat la vida i ens ha immers en un món ple de tecnicismes. UDivulga. Ciència i Societat. UVIC-UCC. June 4th, 2020 Dissemination article (original language: catalan): More information

V Edition of the biomedical experimentation workshops for secondary students

The V Edition of the biomedical experimentation workshops for secondary students was held during the third and fourth week of February 2020. The workshops were led by Dr. Bet Sarri and Dr. Elisabet Dachs-Cabanas, both members of the TR2Lab. Up to 144 students from 4 secondary schools from Osona region participated (IES Jaume Callís, Col·legi [...]

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