Bone growth, remodeling, and repair

Study of long bone fractures by firearm projectile.

GRANT Original Title (Catalan): Estudi de les fractures d'os llarg per projectil d'arma de foc Principal Investigator: Xavier Jordana Comín Research Team: Joan Ignasi Galtés Vicente and María Luisa Ortega Sánchez. Funded by: Centre d'Estudis Jurídics i Formació Especialitzada, Departament de Justícia, Generalitat de Catalunya Period: 2022 [...]

Ariadna Solé, TR2Lab student, defends her final thesis degree

We are so proud that Ariadna Solé Martínez, a TR2Lab member during this academic year, successfully defended her final degree thesis on June 17th. Ariadna Solé developed her Final Thesis Degree project (original title) “Estudi de la línia neonatal en talls histològics de dents humanes” (Study of the neonatal line [...]

Successful fourth Seminar of the ACCESSIBLE SCIENCE program

On June 22nd was developed the fourth and last seminar session of the ACCESSIBLE SCIENCE program: New scientific advances to bring to high school classrooms. Success in the fourth seminar of the ACCESSIBLE SCIENCE program conducted by Ph.D. Xavier Jordana focused on advanced tools and methods in the study of [...]

“UDivulga. Ciència i Societat” project

GRANT Original Title (catalan): "UDivulga. Ciència i Societat" Principal Investigador: Pilar López TR2Lab research team members: Marta Otero Viñas, Laia Bosch, Elisabet Dachs, Anna Dalmau, Ester Goutan, Xavier Jordana, Elisabet Sarri. Funded by: Fundación Española para la Ciencia y la Tecnología (FECYT) - FCT-19-14267. Period: 2020-21 Project [...]

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