
  • the effectiveness

The effectiveness of core stability exercises on functional outcomes in early subacute stroke recovery: a randomized controlled trial

Article: The effectiveness of core stability exercises on functional outcomes in early subacute stroke recovery: a randomized controlled trial Coauthors: Rosa Cabanas-Valdés, Lídia Boix-Sala, Marta Ferrer-Solà, Montserrat Grau-Pellicer, Nuria Gracia-Pí, Neus Torrella-Vivó, Marta Morales-Zafra, Eric Esteve-Hernández, Juan-Antonio Guzmán-Bernal, Fernanda-Maria Caballero-Gómez, Begoña Molina-Hervás, Samira González-Hoelling, Ana Lobato-Bonilla, Carlos López-de-Celis, Esther [...]

2025-02-20T17:24:54+01:00February 17, 2025|2025, Articles, Articles 2025, Marta Ferrer Solà|

Combination of advanced therapies to cure a Martorell Ulcer

Combination of advanced therapies to cure a Martorell Ulcer  Authors: Clara Masó Albareda Keywords: Ulcer, platelet-rich plasma, skin grafts, complex wound. Abstract Atypical ulcers are included within the group of complex wounds, among which the Martorell hypertensive ulcer stands out. These skin wounds derive [...]

Unlocking DCIS lesions progression to prevent women overtreatment and improving their sexual and reproductive health impact

Research team Gemma Fuster, Laia Bosch-Pressegué, Cristina Martín, Antoni Parcerisas, Neus Carbó, Patrícia-Fernàndez-Nogueira, Èric Calatayud, Mónica Marro and Clara Martínez in the UVIC-UCC and IRIS-CC. Also Researcher at Vall Hebrón Research Institute leaded by Dr. Vicente Peg, and in Hospital Germans Trias i Pujol, leaded by Dr. Aintzane [...]

Role of semaphorins, neuropilins and plexins in cancer progression

Role of semaphorins, neuropilins and plexins in cancer progression Authors: Patricia Fernández-Nogueira, Paula Linzoain-Agos, M. Cueto-Remacha, I. De la Guia-Lopez, Leire Recalde-Percaz, Antoni Parcerisas, Pere Gascón, Neus Carbó, Álvaro Gutiérrez-Uzquiza, Gemma Fuster, Paloma Bragado,. Abstract SEMAs and their receptors PLXNs and NRPs are implicated [...]

2024-12-20T09:27:10+01:00November 13, 2024|2024, Articles, Articles 2024, Gemma Fuster|

Oozing: An accessible technique to create 3D-printed scaffolds suitable for tissue engineering

Oozing: An accessible technique to create 3D-printed scaffolds suitable for tissue engineering Authors: Juan Crespo Santiago, Luis M. Delgado, Rafa Madariaga, Laia Millan, Oriol Chico, Pau Oliver, Román Pérez, Marta Otero Viñas Abstract Tissue-engineered constructs require mimicking the extracellular matrix microenvironment of native tissue [...]

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