Epigenetics and tissue transformation

New insights into the molecular mechanism of rhodopsin retinitis pigmentosa from the biochemical and functional characterization of G90V, Y102H and I307N mutations

Article:  New insights into the molecular mechanism of rhodopsin retinitis pigmentosa from the biochemical and functional characterization of G90V, Y102H and I307N mutations Authors: María Guadalupe Herrera-Hernández, Neda Razzaghi, Pol Fernandez-Gonzalez, Laia Bosch-Presegué, Guillem Vila-Julià, Juan Jesús Pérez, Pere Garriga. PDF article Abstract: Objectives: Mutations in the photoreceptor protein rhodopsin are known as [...]

Maria Cristina Martin joins TR2Lab

Proud to incorporate Maria Cristina Martín as a new researcher of the TR2Lab. Welcome, Maria Cristina Martin, who joins the research line in Applied Epigenetics of the TR2Lab. Maria Cristina Martin is also a technician in Biosciences Laboratories in the Faculty of Science and Technology at the University of [...]

Successful third Seminar of the ACCESSIBLE SCIENCE program

On May 5th was developed the third seminar session of the ACCESSIBLE SCIENCE program: New scientific advances to bring to high school classrooms Success in the third seminar of the ACCESSIBLE SCIENCE program conducted by Ph. Elisabet Dachs focused on what the gene therapy using CRISPR offers. Support materials on [...]

“UDivulga. Ciència i Societat” project

GRANT Original Title (catalan): "UDivulga. Ciència i Societat" Principal Investigador: Pilar López TR2Lab research team members: Marta Otero Viñas, Laia Bosch, Elisabet Dachs, Anna Dalmau, Ester Goutan, Xavier Jordana, Elisabet Sarri. Funded by: Fundación Española para la Ciencia y la Tecnología (FECYT) - FCT-19-14267. Period: 2020-21 Project [...]

New allosteric ligands of the visual G protein coupled receptor rhodopsin and the molecular mechanism of retinal degenerative diseases

GRANT. Project information. Laia Bosch-Presegué participates in grant from the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades. Principal Investigador: Pere Garriga TR2Lab research team members: Laia Bosch-Presegué. Funded by: Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (PID2019-104817GB-I00) Period: 2020

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