Nursing management based on scientific evidence

BOOK (Original Title) Title: Gestión enfermera basada en evidencias científicas. Chapter title (original language Spanish). Patients experience: model EXPAC (Experiencia de los pacientes: modelo IEXPAC). Authors of Chapter. Marta Casals Zorita Book coordinators: Inmaculada Sanchez Martin, Xosé Manuel Meijome Sánchez, Albert Cortes Borra Editor: Salusplay. ISBN: 978-84-18396-67-0 Legal deposit: BI01319-2021 Published: [...]

OPEN CALLS. TR2Lab opens new calls for doctoral positions.

OPEN CALLS. TR2Lab opens new calls for doctoral positions. If you are looking for a good lab to develop your scientific skills, at TR2Lab you’ll have the chance to carry out stimulating research in a high-quality and interdisciplinary environment. We welcome applications from national and international Ph.D. candidates from very diverse [...]

2021-09-13T09:56:56+02:00September 13, 2021|2021, General, Science Dissemination|

Mountain sickness in the Pyrenees: an observational, cross-sectional study

ARTICLE. Weisweiler C, Ayala M, Soteras I, Subirats E, Trullàs JC. Mountain sickness in the Pyrenees: an observational, cross-sectional study / Mal de montaña en los Pirineos: estudio observacional y transversal. Emergencias 2021;33:320-324. Abstract (original language Spanish) Objetivo: la prevalencia del mal de montaña es variable en función de distintos [...]

Morbidity and mortality in elderly patients with heart failure managed with a comprehensive care model vs. usual care: The UMIPIC program

ARTICLE. González-Franco A, Cerqueiro González JM, Arévalo-Lorido JC, Álvarez-Rocha P, Carrascosa-García S, Armengou A, Guzmán-García M, Trullàs JC, Montero-Pérez-Barquero M, Manzano L, representing the researchers of RICA data base. Morbidity and mortality in elderly patients with heart failure managed with a comprehensive care model vs. usual care: The UMIPIC program [...]

TR2Lab creates a new research line in histopathological tissue analysis

Proud to create a new research line focused on histopathological tissue analysis. Proud to create a new research line focused on the study of pathological tissue, using, among others, 3D and digital techniques both macroscopic and microscopic spatial study, applied to different types of both tumoral and non-tumoral lesions, among [...]

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