The Quality and teaching innovation at UVic (III) 2016-2019

BOOK. (Original Title): La qualitat i la innovació docent a la UVic (III) 2016-2019. Chapter. Original Title: Estudi de l’adquisició de les competències professionals a través de la vinculació del TFG al grup de recerca TR2Lab Authors of Chapter. Ester Goutan Roura (Coord.), Marta Cullell Dalmau, Elisabet Dachs Cabanas, Montserrat [...]

TR2Lab obtains a UVIC-UCC predoctoral research fellowship

GRANT. Project information. TR2Lab obtains a predoctoral grant from University of Vic - Central University of Catalonia for developing the doctoral project of the doctoral student Verónica Salgado in the context of the project "Observational study: correlation between the composition and the in vitro functionality of the autologous platelet rich [...]

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