Welcome Anna!

Anna Escribà Francàs joins the TR2Lab Anna Escribà Francàs, 4th year student of Nursing at the UVic-UCC, recently joined our group for depeveloping his final degree thesis. During this semester, Anna will work in a research project led by Ph.D. Ester Goutan about ulcer evolution depending on the type and length of antiseptic [...]

Welcome Estela!

Estela Cabezas joins the TR2Lab Estela Cabezas, 4th year student of Biotechnology at the UVic-UCC, recently joined our group as a trainee (estudiant en pràctiques curriculars) under the supervision of Ph.D. Xavier Rovira. During this semester, Estela will learn the basic techniques of molecular pharmacology and she will be working with the [...]

2018-02-11T12:03:18+01:00February 12, 2018|2017, Estela Cabezas, Estela Cabezas 2017, General|

Thesis degree (TFG) experience at the Clinical Wound Unit for nursing students.

Thesis degree (TFG) experience at the Clinical Wound Unit that belongs to TR2Lab As a new academic experience, this year the TR2Lab have incorporated 5 nursing students and 1 biotechnology student for developing their Degree Thesis (TFG) at the Clinical Wound of the Hospital Universitari de la Santa Creu that [...]

2018-01-07T15:53:08+01:00December 30, 2017|2017, General, Science Dissemination|

III Workshop in biomedical scientific techniques for high school students

GRANT. Project information. TR2Lab has obtained a grant for promoting scientific vocations to high school students Original Title: Taller científic en tècniques biomèdiques per a estudiants de batxillerat Principal Investigator: Marta Otero-Viñas Research Team: Elisabet Sarri-Plans, Luís Agulló Rueda, Montserrat Masoliver Prieto, Ester Goutan Roura, Marta Cullell Dalmau, Albert Coloma [...]

III Workshop in care for chronic wounds. Diabetic foot.

GRANT. Project information. TR2Lab has obtained a grant for organizing the third workshop in care for chronic wounds. Original Title: Jornada d’atenció a les ferides cròniques. Peu diabètic Principal Investigador: Marta Otero-Viñas Research Team: Marta Ferrer-Solà, Helena Sureda Vidal, Fina Clapera Cros, Víctor González Martínez, Ester Goutan-Roura, Elisabet Sarri Plans, Albert [...]

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