

Bruna Ferré Caraballo

Member of the Research Line in health conditions and tissue regeneration

This is Bruna Ferré, I’m a nursing student and I’ve just finished my third year of Nursing degree at from University of Vic – Central University of Catalonia. I’m very interested in the process to of how to cure a wound like an ulceration, laceration, burned or many more, and also, I find fascinating if those kinds of wounds relate to a disease. If it’s related to it, I’d like to search the possibilities to cure it having in mind the wound and the disease.

Currently, I’m participating in an internship program at TR2Lab collaborating in some projects of the research, investigating about the diabetic foot temperature in order to prevent ulcerations.

I’m excited about being in a research group because I’ve always wanted to be in and to be able to learn how to work in a group like that and what’s more, I find it a good opportunity to learn and to be helped by professionals.

Email address: bruna.ferre@uvic.cat

More information: Linkedin address

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