
About jordipermanyer

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So far jordipermanyer has created 27 blog entries.
  • Closing Event of the EHECADI Project A Digital and Collaborative Model to Address Health and Social Challenges

Closing Event of the EHECADI Project: A Digital and Collaborative Model to Address Health and Social Challenges

On Friday, February 21, the closing event of the EUROPEAN HEALTH CARE FINAL DISSERTATION: a digital, international, and collaborative co-designed model to address health care societal challenges (EHECADI project) took place. The project is coordinated by the University of Vic - Central University of [...]

2025-02-27T09:59:47+01:00February 27, 2025|2025, Meetings 2025, News, Publications 2025|
  • the effectiveness

The effectiveness of core stability exercises on functional outcomes in early subacute stroke recovery: a randomized controlled trial

Article: The effectiveness of core stability exercises on functional outcomes in early subacute stroke recovery: a randomized controlled trial Coauthors: Rosa Cabanas-Valdés, Lídia Boix-Sala, Marta Ferrer-Solà, Montserrat Grau-Pellicer, Nuria Gracia-Pí, Neus Torrella-Vivó, Marta Morales-Zafra, Eric Esteve-Hernández, Juan-Antonio Guzmán-Bernal, Fernanda-Maria Caballero-Gómez, Begoña Molina-Hervás, Samira González-Hoelling, Ana Lobato-Bonilla, Carlos López-de-Celis, Esther [...]

2025-02-20T17:24:54+01:00February 17, 2025|2025, Articles, Articles 2025, Marta Ferrer Solà|
  • jornada de ferides

The period for sending communications for the IX Workshop on Wound Healing is open

The period for sending communications for the 2025 Wound Day opens today Monday, January 27 and will be open until March 9. Remember that the papers presented may be about: Free theme: of any topic related to the attention to wounds. Only abstracts written in Catalan will be [...]

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