Evaluating the results allows us to carry out a continuous improvement process in order to have good results in the prevention of pressure injuries. “(1) is the title of the oral communication that Núria Dalmau presented at the IV Workshop of wound healing 2019. The communication took place on May 24 in Vic (Catalonia).
In oral communication, Núria presented a prevention model for the prevention of pressure wounds adapted from the UPP clinical practice guide of SISO. The donations are the result of the comparison of the center itself because the comparison in other assistive devices is not comparable due to the heterogeneity between the centers. These results showed a small general improvement but above all in the important improvement in the most severe wounds, such as those in category II and IV.
(1) “Validation of the UPP prevention model in an intermediate care center”. Dalmau Paniagua Núria 1; Fontserè Candel Ester 1.2; Noell Boix Rosa 1; Marco Bas Gemma 1; Bonjoch Jaques Eva 1; Ferrer Solà Marta 1,2 1-Hospital universitari de la santa Creu, 2- Research group on repair and tissue regeneration (TR2Lab).
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