A great success of the 5th Workshop on Wound Healing of TR2Lab On June 11, 115 people from several counties of Catalonia have attended the Fifth Workshop on Wound Healing organized by Fundació Hospital de la Santa Creu de Vic and TR2Lab. This workshop, with the original title: “V Jornada d’Atenció a les Ferides. La infessió: de la valoració al tractament tòpic i al sistèmic“, focused on providing an update on the relevance in controlling the wound infection for better managing wound healing process.
In light of the Sixth Anniversary of TR2Lab, we organized this workshop to fulfill TR2Lab’s commitment to share and communicate its experiences in the wound healing field, and promote research and scientific dissemination in the area of wound healing between the clinical staff and university investigators.
This Education activity has been accredited by the Consell Català de Formació Continuada de les Professions Sanitàries (CCFCPS), it has the scientific recognition from the Grupo Nacional para el Estudio y Asesoramiento en Úlceras por Presión y Heridas Crónicas (GNEAUPP) organization, and it has been validated by the Federación Española de Empresas de Tecnología Sanitaria (FENIN).
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