Article: A course on care for people with skin lesions for the undergraduate nursing programme: competencies and proposed contents

Authors: J. Javier Soldevilla-Agreda, Pedro L. Pancorbo-Hidalgo, Joan Enric Torra-Bou, Ángel Romero-Collado, José Verdú-Soriano and Francisco P. García-Fernández.

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This article aims to develop a framework proposal for a course on the care of people with skin lesions in the nursing degree. It has been developed by consensus of experts, professors with experience in wound care and was subject to modifications in the framework of the Segundo Encuentro Iberolatinoamericano de Facultades y Escuelas Universitarias con Programas Formativos en Heridas. This includes a proposal of competencies on the care of people with skin lesions for the graduate nurse, as well as the Curricular proposal, with its pedagogical structure based on didactic units and the proposed teaching load and location of the subject of care for people with skin lesions in the nursing degree. Finally, support documents are presented for the teaching staff and students for the creation of the subject of care of people with skin lesions for the degree in nursing.


Degree in nursing, skin lesions, competences and contents.