Past offers


La Facultat de Ciències i Tecnologia busca el perfil de Biòleg, per impartir docència com a professor associat en l’àrea d’especialitat dels Graus en Biologia i Biotecnologia.


  • Tenir el títol de Doctor en l’àmbit de Biologia o Bioquímica.
  • Tenir experiència en un lloc de treball de l’àmbit dels estudis de Biologia.


  • Tenir experiència en docència d’estudis superiors.
  • Tenir una acreditació de l’AQU o d’altres agències de qualitat.
  • Tenir les competències necessàries per fer docència en anglès.


  • Currículum Vitae, s’acceptarà qualsevol format.
  • Carta de motivació per presentar la candidatura.
  • Matèria o matèries a les quals opta.


Els candidats podran optar a impartir les següents matèries:

  • Laboratoris Integrats. Assignatura Obligatòria de 3r curs del Grau en Biotecnologia. Íntegrament pràctica centrada en l’aplicació de tècniques de biologia molecular, enginyeria genètica i cultius cel·lulars. Programada en horari intensiu de tardes en 2n semestre (gener-juny) del curs 2015-16.


Fins el 23 de novembre de 2015, enviant la documentació requerida a 

Past part-time positions:

1- Polytechnic School offers new part time associate positions for immediate incorporation in the area of Multimedia Engineering Computer Science or Telecommunications, to cover teaching in the Degree in Multimedia.


  1. Having Engineering degree or Master in Multimedia, Computer Science, or related areas.
  2. Experience in the field of media studies.

Other merits:

  • Holding a PhD in a related matter.
  • Experience in teaching in higher education.
  • Having an AQU accreditation or other quality agencies.
  • Having the necessary skills to teach in English.

To apply, prepare a package containing:

  1. Complete CV in any format.
  2. Motivation letter.
  3. Preferences for subjects to teach.

Candidates may choose to teach the following subjects:

  • Interactive Environments

Submit your application to before July 15th.

2- L’Escola Politècnica ofereix noves places d’associats a temps parcial per a incorporació immediata als graus de l’àrea d’Enginyeries


  1. Enginyer/a o llicenciat/da en una àrea de les Enginyeries relacionada.
  2. Experiència professional en aquest camp.

Altres mèrits:

  • L’obtenció d’un doctorat en una camp d’expertesa relacionat.
  • L’experiència en l’ensenyament d’Educació Superior.
  • Tenir l’acreditació d’AQU o altres agències de qualitat.
  • Tenir els coneixements necessaris per ensenyar en Anglès.

Per optar a la plaça, cal presentar la següent documentació:

  1. CV complet en qualsevol format.
  2. Carta de motivació.
  3. Les preferències per les assignatures.

Els candidats poden optar a les següents assignatures:

1r Semestre

  • Teoria de Màquines i Mecanismes (6c): Assignatura obligatòria de 3r curs del grau en Enginyeria Mecatrònica que introdueix els conceptes propis de la mecànica de màquines a partir del suport que proporciona la mecànica bàsica i del coneixement dels mecanismes de barres, lleves, juntes o rodes dentades propis de la cinemàtica.
  • Electrònica Digital (6c): Assignatura obligatòria de 2n curs que s’imparteix a totes les enginyeries que dóna una perspectiva global dels circuits electrònics digitals, tant combinacionals com seqüencials, des de les portes elementals fins a circuits amb PLD (dispositius lògics programables) i microprocessadors i microcontroladors.
  • Tractament Digital del Senyal (6c): Assignatura obligatòria de 4t curs del grau en Enginyeria Electrònica Industrial i Automàtica, i optativa del grau en Enginyeria Mecatrònica, en la que s’ofereix un aprenentatge pràctic i guiat de la disciplina de processament digital del senyal a través de casos pràctics i aplicacions.

2n semestre

  • Instrumentació Electrònica II (6c): Assignatura optativa de 4t. curs dels graus en Enginyeria Mecatrònica i en Enginyeria Electrònica Industrial i Automàtica, que fa una aproximació totalment pràctica als instruments electrònics actuals i a les xarxes de sensors sense cables, aprofundint en la instrumentació electrònica virtual i la seva programació, en els busos d’instruments controlats per ordinador i en les xarxes de sensors sense cables. En l’assignatura es dissenyen i es construeixen sistemes d’instrumentació virtual i en xarxa d’aplicació industrial.
  • Fisiologia (6c): Assignatura obligatòria de 2n. curs del grau en Enginyeria Biomèdica que introdueix els conceptes bàsics de l’Anatomia i de la Fisiologia, és a dir, de l’estructura i funcionament del cos humà.
  • Projectes Integrats II (3c): Assignatura obligatòria que s’imparteix a la majoria de les enginyeries mitjançant el format ABP (Aprenentatge Basat en Projectes), i que pretén integrar els coneixements de l’àrea de la mecànica, l’electrònica, la informàtica i el control per tal de desenvolupar projectes i resoldre problemes multidisciplinaris dins de l’àmbit de les enginyeries.
  • Projectes Integrats I (3c):  Assignatura obligatòria que s’imparteix, de manera transversal, a totes les enginyeries mitjançant el format ABP (Aprenentatge Basat en Projectes). Proporciona la metodologia, l’organització i les eines necessàries per a l’anàlisi de la informació i per a la gestió i direcció de projectes multidisciplinaris tot garantint-ne la seva qualitat.
  • Anàlisi de Circuits (6c): Assignatura obligatòria de 1r curs que s’imparteix a totes les enginyeries que dóna les bases i els conceptes fonaments de circuits elèctrics que l’estudiant necessitarà al llarg de tot el grau, sobretot en l’anàlisi de circuits electrònics.
  • Regulació Automàtica (6c): Assignatura obligatòria de 2n curs dels graus en Enginyeria Mecatrònica, en Enginyeria Electrònica Industrial i Automàtica i en Enginyeria en Tecnologies Industrials en la que es desenvolupen els conceptes bàsics de la teoria de control dels sistemes en temps continu a partir d’un enfocament clàssic. S’aprenen a modelar sistemes lineals amb part  elèctrica i part mecànica.
  • Informàtica Industrial (6c): Assignatura obligatòria de 3r curs del grau en Enginyeria Mecatrònica en la que es desenvolupen els sistemes informàtics distribuïts, les xarxes i els sistemes de comunicació de dades, i els busos i les xarxes de comunicació industrials.
  • Sistemes d’Informàtica Industrials (3c): Assignatura obligatòria de 3r curs del grau en Enginyeria Electrònica Industrial i Automàtica en la que s’estudien les bases que permeten l’adquisició, distribució tractament i gestió de la informació en l’entorn industrial mitjançant xarxes de comunicació industrial, els busos de camp i l’accés a bases de dades industrials.

3- Polytechnic School offers new part time associate positions for immediate incorporation in the area of Biosciences, for teaching in Bioscience Degrees.


  1. Degree in a Biosciences related area.
  2. Professional Experience in this field.

Other merits:

  • Holding a PhD in a related matter.
  • Experience in Higher Education teaching.
  • Having accreditation from AQU or other quality agencies.
  • Having the necessary skills to teach in English.

To apply, prepare a package containing:

  1. Complete CV in any format.
  2. Motivation letter.
  3. Preferences for subjects to teach.

Candidates may choose to teach the following subjects:

  • Plant Physiology. A compulsory subject in the third course of the Biology degree that covers basic plant physiology topics like water relations, mineral nutrition, photosynthesis and respiration, growth and development or environmental relations of plants.
  • Platforms for Acquisition of Biomedical Data. Elective subject of the Degree in Biotechnology that studies the latest techniques for the acquisition of biomedical data, including sequencing, gene expression and visualization techniques. A special focus on lab-on-a-chip systems will be treated, with integration and miniaturization approaches for platform portability, including bio-systems integration, electronics, materials and micro-fluidic aspects.
  • Anthropology. Elective subject of the Degree in Biology treats a basic anthropology course including human evolution and origins, human population dynamics and structure, human variability, quantitative trait analysis and ecological factors.
  • English. The subject aims to improve the linguistic competences of biosciences students with special focus on the skills and vocabulary needed in the scientific profession. Problem based learning activities related to scientific topics are an important part of the teaching methodology.

If you fit in, go to the submission page. Reference code: UST15BI01

Polytechnic School offers new part time associate positions for immediate incorporation in the area of Biosciences, for teaching in Bioscience Degrees.


  1. Degree in a Biosciences related area.
  2. Professional Experience in this field.

Other merits:

  • Holding a PhD in a related matter.
  • Experience in Higher Education teaching.
  • Having a AQU accreditation or other quality agencies.
  • Having the necessary skills to teach in English.

To apply, prepare a package containing:

  1. Complete CV in any format.
  2. Motivation letter.
  3. Preferences for subjects to teach.

Candidates may choose to teach the following subjects:

  • Geographical Information Systems
  • Basic Chemistry
  • Genetic Engineering and Tissue Culture Techniques
  • Environmental Toxicology and Public Health
  • Bioinformatics

Submit your application to before January 9th.

Polytechnic School offers new part time associate positions for inmediate incorporation in the area of Multimedia Engineering Computer Science or Telecommunications, to cover teaching in the Degree in Multimedia.


  1. Having Engineering degree in Multimedia, Computer Science, or related areas.
  2. Experience in the field of media studies.

Other merits:

  • Holding a PhD in a related matter.
  • Experience in teaching in higher education.
  • Having a AQU accreditation or other quality agencies.
  • Having the necessary skills to teach in English.

To apply, prepare a package containing:

  1. Complete CV in any format.
  2. Motivation letter.
  3. Preferences for subjects to teach.

Candidates may choose to teach the following subjects:

  1. Cross-Platform development
  2. Developing Android Apps
  3. IOS Apps Development
  4. Game Programming in Unity
  5. Communication Networks

Submit your application to before December 17th.

Associate professorships

Past offers for Associate professorships at the EPS:

To apply, prepare a package containing

  • Full curriculum vitae: any AQU or ANECA format will be accepted, including the contact details of two referees.
  • Abridged (1 page) curriculum vitae: any format will be accepted.
  • Affidavit for your curriculum vitae and supporting documentation, if necessary.
  • Letter of motivation for the application.

and submit your application here.

Associate Professor in Mechanical Engineering

Associate Professor – Mechanical Engineering – ResearchGate

The Polytechnic School is seeking a mechanical engineer to cover teaching in this area in the new Degrees in Industrial Technologies Engineering and Biomedical Engineering. In addition to the teaching, the candidate selected will be responsible for enhancing overall relations between the University and industry and establishing technology transfer activities in the area of Mechanical Engineering.
Among other tasks, he/she will:

  • lead a line of research in any subfield of Mechanical Engineering that complements the currently existing expertise at the UVIC-UCC;
  • facilitate effective liaison between the basic research teams at the EPS (and other UVic centres) and the industrial sector;
  • seek private and public funding to undertake research and technology transfer activities in the field;
  • closely collaborate with the EPS training coordination to develop an ambitious and innovative training scheme in the area of mechanical engineering.


  • a PhD in Mechanical Engineering or closely related fields;
  • the ability to teach in English;
  • at least 3 years of experience in an industry working in the field of Mechanical Engineering;
  • proven experience in research and technology transfer projects;
  • a commitment to develop language skills to be able to teach in Spanish and Catalan within a reasonable period of time after the contract start date.

Other merits:

  • Experience in leadership and management of research teams.
  • Accreditation from the AQU or other quality agencies.
  • Leadership of international projects.
  • Periods of secondment at international centres.

Submit your application here.

Associate Professor in Biomedical Engineering

Associate Professor – Biomedical Engineering – ResearchGate

The Polytechnic School is seeking a biomedical engineer to coordinate the new Degree in Biomedical Engineering and to cover different subjects in the programme. In addition to teaching, the candidate selected will be responsible for enhancing overall relations between the University and industry and establishing technology transfer activities in the area of Biomedical Engineering.
Among other tasks, he/she will:

  • lead a line of research in any subfield of Biomedical Engineering that complements the currently existing expertise at the UVIC-UCC;
  • facilitate effective liaison between the basic research teams at the EPS (and other UVic centres) and the industrial sector;
  • seek private and public funding to undertake research and technology transfer activities in the field;
  • develop an ambitious and innovative training scheme in the area of biomedical engineering, coordinating training activities within the Degree.


  • a PhD in Biomedical Engineering or closely related fields;
  • the ability to teach in English;
  • proven experience in research and technology transfer projects;
  • experience in leadership and management of academic teams;
  • a commitment to develop language skills to be able to teach in Spanish and Catalan within a reasonable period of time after the contract start date.

Other merits:

  • Experience in industry, working in the field of Biomedical Engineering.
  • Accreditation from the AQU or other quality agencies.
  • Leadership of international projects.
  • Periods of secondment at international centres.

Submit your application here.

Associate Professor in Environmental Sciences and Technology

Associate Professor – Environmental Sciences & Technology – ResearchGate

The Polytechnic School is seeking an environmental scientist or technologist to cover teaching in this area in the Degree in Environmental Sciences. In addition to the teaching, the candidate selected will be responsible for enhancing overall relations between the University and industry and establishing technology transfer activities in the area of Environmental Sciences.
Among other tasks, he/she will:

  • lead a line of research in Environmental Sciences and Technology that complements the currently existing expertise at the UVIC-UCC and at the SART-MA;
  • facilitate effective liaison between the basic research teams at the EPS (and other UVic centres) and the industrial sector;
  • seek private and public funding to undertake research and technology transfer activities in the field;
  • collaborate closely with the EPS training coordination to develop an ambitious and innovative training scheme in the area of environmental sciences.


  • a PhD in Chemical Engineering, Environmental Sciences or closely related fields;
  • proven experience in research and technology transfer projects in any of these fields: environmental impact assessment, life-cycle assessment, carbon footprint, environmental policies, management and determination of green house gases (GHG) emissions, air pollution, etc;
  • the ability to teach in English;
  • at least 1 year of experience in a post-doctoral position abroad carrying out research and innovation projects in the field of environmental science;
  • experience in coordinating and managing research and innovation projects;
  • an excellent track record in high quality scientific publications (SCI);
  • experience in supervising MSc and PhD fellows;
  • a commitment to develop language skills to be able to teach in Spanish and Catalan within a reasonable period of time after the contract start date.

Other merits:

  • experience in leadership and management of research teams;
  • experience in industry, working in the field of Environmental Sciences and Technology;
  • accreditation from the AQU or other quality assessment agencies;
  • leadership in international projects.

Submit your application here.

Associate Professor in 3D Animation and Mobile Devices Programming

Associate Professor – Computer Science – 3D Animation & Mobile Device Programming – ResearchGate

The Polytechnic School is seeking a computer scientist with expertise in 3D animation and mobile device programming to cover teaching in this area in the Degree in Multimedia. In addition to the teaching, the candidate selected will be responsible for enhancing overall relations between the University and industry and establishing technology transfer activities in the area of Multimedia.
Among other tasks, he/she will:

  • lead a line of research in 3D animation and mobile device programming that complements the currently existing expertise at the UVIC-UCC;
  • facilitate effective liaison between the basic research teams at the EPS (and other UVic centres) and the industrial sector;
  • seek private and public funding to undertake research and technology transfer activities in the field;
  • collaborate closely with the EPS training coordination to develop an ambitious and innovative training scheme in the area of multimedia.


  • a PhD in Computer Science, Multimedia or closely related fields;
  • the ability to teach in English;
  • at least 3 years of experience in an industry working in the field of Multimedia;
  • proven experience in research and technology transfer projects;
  • a commitment to develop language skills to be able to teach in Spanish and Catalan within a reasonable period of time after the contract start date.

Other merits:

  • Experience in leadership and management of research teams.
  • Accreditation from the AQU or other quality agencies.
  • Leadership of international projects.
  • Periods of secondment at international centres

Submit your application here.

Generalitat de Catalunya doctorate call

The Generalitat de Catalunya has open a call for industrial doctorates, with a very attractive schema in which the student obtains a contract to work on R+D+i activities in a company. In the current call, the UVic offers 3 positions plus one in collaboration with the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Deadline for application is beginning of October. The links lead you to the individual offers.

  • 076/2014 – JCM Technologies, S.A. – Study and design of architectures and protocols for an interconnection to cloud of services access control. JCM Technologies, S.A.- Universitat de Vic – Universitat Central de Catalunya (UVIC-UCC) – PE6 Computer Science and Informatics / PE7 Systems and Communication Engineering. SIGN UP
  • 031/2014 – iTesTiT S.L. – UVIC-UCC (CAT) – Study and design of classification algorithms for diagnosis and prognosis of failures in wind turbines from SCADA data – iTesTiT S.L. – Universitat de Vic – Universitat Central de Catalunya (UVIC-UCC) – PE6 Computer Science and Informatics / PE7 Systems and Communication Engineering. HIRING

The Generalitat de Catalunya opens on a yearly basis a call for applications to conduct research under the Catalan universities PhD programs. In this year’s call, the EPS aims at hosting the following profiles for outstading PhD students:

  • Cancer therapeutics. We have recently described new functions for members of the NFKB pathway (Margalef et al. Cell Rep. 2: 840, 2012; Mulero et al. Cancer Cell 24: 151, 2013). The successful PhD candidate will work in elucidating the mechanisms by which IKB represses target genes and will contribute to identify new therapeutic targets and drugs. Candidates are expected to have a strong background in Biochemistry, Molecular and/or Cellular Biology. Bioinformatics skills are a plus. Interested candidates, send 1) a CV (including the names of two referees), 2) a copy of your academic records and 3) a letter of commitment

UVIC PhD fellowships

A call for candidates for PhD fellowships funded by the UVIC has been issued. The deadline for applications is July 4th 2014, and the lines of research for which the fellowships can be taken at the EPS are:

  • Analysis of metal binding hot spots in proteins. The PhD candidate will work in metal binding hot spots identification on protein surfaces. The candidate is expected to have a strong background in physical chemistry and good programming knowledge in Python or Fortran. Skills on web development are a plus. The project will be initially linked to a research project related to metal-mediated lipid-protein binding in neuroinmunology, but the goal is to study the principles characterizing metal binding hotspots from the physico-chemical point of view, with an extended interest in developing tools that can be used in bioinformatics setups. Interested candidates, send 1) a CV (including the names of two referees), 2) a copy of your academic records and 3) a letter of commitment.
  • Molecular modelling of HIV-1 MPER interaction with neutralizing antibodies. An important amount of structural knowledge on the interacion of the membrane-proximal ectodomain region (MPER) of the HIV-1 glycoprotein of Mr 41,000 (gp41) envelope protein subunit with neutralizing antibodies exists. However, aspects as the influence of the lipidic content of the membrane or the characterization of the hot spots regions in MPER for the development of new vaccines are areas of strong research. The PhD proposal, which is developed in collaboration with experimentalists at the IrsiCaixa center and the Chair for AIDS and related diseases at the UVIC-UCC, involves the use of modelling and computational biology techniques, including the extensive use of molecular dynamics, to unravel structural details of the MPER-antibody interaction. Interested candidates, send 1) a CV (including the names of two referees), 2) a copy of your academic records and 3) a letter of commitment.

  • Integrative genomics. Development of innovative methods and their corresponding computational implementation for integration of high-dimensional genomic data. The main motivation of this project is the understanding of the effect of the genetic component in the susceptibility and the curse of complex diseases. Complex diseases are controlled by molecular mechanisms that can be measured at different levels giving rise to different omics data: genomics, epigenomics, transcriptomics, … The analysis and integration of these huge and diverse omics information is the main goal of this project. Interested candidates, send 1) a CV (including the names of two referees), 2) a copy of your academic records and 3) a letter of commitment.

ICREA contracts

ICREA opens 10 senior research positions.

Minimum requirements are a Ph.D. degree obtained preferably before 2010, with at least four years of international exposure at pre-doctoral and/or post-doctoral level. Only very strong candidates with an outstanding research record and excellent leadership capabilities will be considered.

Successful applicants will have a permanent contract with ICREA and will work at universities or research centres in Catalonia. ICREA researchers are required to make substantial contributions to their own areas of research and have a strong impact in the Catalan research system by becoming active members and leaders of the Catalan research community.

The ICREA position is not compatible with a part time permanent contract outside the Catalan research system. Scholars who have held a permanent position in the Catalan research system for longer than 12 months on the deadline of this call will not be accepted as candidates.

Successful candidates will be required to join the host institution no later than September 2015.

Salaries will be in line with those paid at Catalan universities. ICREA research professors will be subject to an evaluation of their research progress and general performance after a three-year period and subsequently every five years. The evaluations will be carried out by external evaluation committees that will assess scientific production as well as research activity. A positive evaluation will lead to a salary increase.

The EPS is looking for strong candidates to join our emerging center in all areas of knowledge that have some connection to our work: Experimental Sciences & Mathematics, Technology & Engineering, Life & Medical Sciences, Social & Behavioral Sciences and Humanities.

Contact us for further details.

UVIC PhD fellowships

Ajudes per la formació de professorat universitari dels subprogrames de Formació i Mobilitat dins del Programa Estatal de Promoció del Talent i la seva empleabilitat, en el marc del Pla Estatal de Recerca Científica i Tècnica i d’Innovació 2013-2016 en I+D+i (FPU 2014) : Ajudes per contractes predoctorals
Entitat convocant Secretaría de Estado de Educación, Formación Profesional y Universidades del Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte
Objecte de la convocatòria Facilitar la futura incorporació dels beneficiaris al professorat universitari del sistema espanyol d’educació superior i de recerca científica (FPU).Les ajudes financen els costos derivats dels contractes predoctorals que s’estableixen entre el professorat universitari en formació i els centres d’adscripció durant 4 anys.Els contractes predoctorals començaran a partir del dia 14 de setembre de 2015 (data d’incorporació al centre d’adscripció).L’import de les ajudes serà de 1.025€ pels dos primers anys i 1.173€ mensuals pels dos últims anys.
Requisits Sol·licitants Els sol·licitants hauran d’haver acabat els estudis corresponents a lestitulacions que presentin en compliment dels requisits acadèmics, ambposterioritat a les dates que a continuació s’indiquen:a) L’1 de gener de 2011, en el cas de llicenciats, enginyers i arquitectes oequivalent en sistemes universitaris estrangers no adaptats a l’Espai Europeu deEducació Superior (EEES).

b)L’1 de gener de 2010, en el cas de diplomats, enginyers tècnics i arquitectes

tècnics o titulacions equivalents en sistemes universitaris estrangers no adaptats a l’EEES, que hagin realitzat el màster per a accés al doctorat.

c)L’1 de gener de 2010, en el cas d’estudis de grau de l’EEES de 180 crèdits.

d)L’1 de gener de 2011, en el cas d’estudis de grau de l’EEES de 240 crèdits

Alternativament, els sol·licitants podran acreditat que en el moment de presentar les sol·licituds es troben en possessió del títol de màster o estan matriculats en el curs 2014-2015 en un màster universitari oficial que dóna accés a un programa de doctorat en el curs 2015-2016.

Documentació a presentar Els sol·licitants d’emplenar la informació requerida en els formularis queel Ministeri d’Educació, Cultura i Esport habilitarà a la seva seu electrònicaA la sol·licitud electrònica degudament emplenada en tots els seus apartats, caldrà adjuntar certificació acadèmica personal dels estudis realitzats, en format PDF que acrediti:a)Els ensenyaments cursades per l’obtenció del títol de Grau o de llicenciat,Enginyer o arquitecteb) La nota mitjana de l’expedient acadèmic i, si escau, la nota mitjana conjunta dels  títols amb els quals es concorre a la convocatòria, si amb el primer no es

assoleixin els 240 crèdits

c)L’acreditació de la data de finalització dels estudis

Termini El termini és des del dia 13 de gener al 6 febrer 2015 a les 14:00 hores de l’horari peninsular, ambdós inclosos.
Bases de la convocatòria Bases
TRÀMITS PER A PRESENTAR-SE A LA CONVOCATÒRIA- Comunicar a l’Oficina de Doctorat la intenció de presentar-se a la convocatòria abans del dia  16/01/2015  a través del correu electrònic una còpia de sol·licitud enviada a l’Oficina de Doctorat abans del dia 6/02/2015.

A call for candidates for PhD fellowships funded by the UVIC has been issued. The deadline for applications is January 12th 2015, and the lines of research for which the fellowships can be taken at the EPS are:

  • Modern Signal Processing – SP Tools for Brain Data Enhancement and Analysis:

The objetive of this project is to apply recently proposed SP models / algorithms and to develop new techniques for analysis and processing of brain data such as EEG, ECoG, functional MRI, diffusion tensor MRI, etc.

Modern SP models and algorithms to be explored includes the following, but other approaches could be investigated too:

– Sparse models and Compressed Sensing – CS

– Matrix / Tensor decompositions

– Low rank matrix / tensor models

This project will be developed in collaboration with Dr. Cesar F. Caiafa ( from CONICET / University of Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Interested candidates should send an email to Prof. Jordi Sole-Casals ( including the following information:

1) CV (including the names and contact information of two referees)

2) Copy of the candidate academic records.

3) Letter of commitment

4) Optional: description of research interests related to the proposed project.

  • Pharmacological modulation of chromatin associated IkB-α in cancer therapeutics. The PhD candidate will work in the following proposed tasks: 1) to take both experimental and computational approaches to identify the post-translational modifications that impose a preferential binding of IκB-α to the chromatin and to specific repressor complexes, studying the effect of such modifications on cancer cells; 2) to study transcriptional changes associated with IκB-α nuclear relocalization in tumor lines. Genomic mapping of IκB-α recruitment in these conditions; 3) to identify putative post-translational histone modifications in the regions involved. Study possible changes in DNA methylation induced by IκB-α redistribution in tumor cells. More information. Interested candidates, send 1) a CV (including the names of two referees), 2) a copy of your academic records and 3) a letter of commitment.
  • Integrative genomics. Development of innovative methods and their corresponding computational implementation for integration of high-dimensional genomic data. The main motivation of this project is the understanding of the effect of the genetic component in the susceptibility and the curse of complex diseases. Complex diseases are controlled by molecular mechanisms that can be measured at different levels giving rise to different omics data: genomics, epigenomics, transcriptomics, … The analysis and integration of these huge and diverse omics information is the main goal of this project. Interested candidates, sent to 1) a CV (including the names of two referees), 2) a copy of your academic records and 3) a letter of commitment. Deadline: Dec 31, 2014
  • Innovation applied to the food industry. The main motivation of this project focuses on understanding sensory and consumer response to food properties to find new strategies in the development of food products with improved sensory properties.  The PhD candidate will work in the following proposed tasks: !) To study cross-modal sensory perception and its impact on food choice; 2) To evaluate alternative methodologies for consumer evaluation; 3)  To understand consumer behavior; 4) To measure consumer emotional response to sensory food properties. Interested candidates, sent to 1) a CV (including the names of two referees), 2) a copy of your academic records and 3) a letter of commitment. Deadline: Dec 31, 2014

A call for candidates for PhD fellowships funded by the UVIC has been issued. The deadline for applications is March 19th 2014, and the lines of research for which the fellowships can be taken at the EPS are:

  • Functional traits of lake fish along environmental gradients and effects of climate change. The PhD candidate will study the effect of anthropogenic impacts (climate change, eutrophication, land use) on the fish functional traits at a European scale. Particular emphasis will be placed on the study of fish size structure and how it is affected by environmental changes. Skills on statistics and taxonomy are necessary. Interested candidates, send 1) a CV (including the names of two referees) and 2) a copy of your academic records.
  • Analysis of handwriting signals for cognitive impairment diagnosis. The PhD candidate will work in signal processing of handwriting signals of different cognitive impairments that affect the motor areas of the brain. The candidate is expected to have a strong background in (linear and nonlinear) signal processing and good programming knowledge in Matlab and java. Skills on neuroscience are a plus. The project will be initially linked to a research project related to biometrics for health. The goal is to design a database of several pathologies, and to study the principles characterizing each of them trough handwriting signals, with an extended interest in developing tools that can be used in health centers. Interested candidates, send 1) a CV (including the names of two referees), 2) a copy of your academic records and 3) a letter of commitment.

Industrial doctorate call

The Generalitat de Catalunya has open a call for industrial doctorates, with a very attractive schema in which the student obtains a contract to work on R+D+i activities in a company. In the current call, the UVic offers 3 positions plus one in collaboration with the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Deadline for application is beginning of October. The links lead you to the individual offers.

  • 13/061 UVIC – Aqualogy Aqua Ambiente Servicios Integrales (ES)[PDF, 299,28 KB.]
    Sustainability and communication for a portfolio of solutions in the field of water – Universitat de Vic (UVIC) – Aqualogy Aqua Ambiente Servicios Integrales – Ciències socials. Candidate profile:MSc holder; experience as a technician or manager in engineering companies in the energetic, renewables or water distribution and treatment areas; experience in quality/innovation management processes; experience in R+D projectes on energy or sustainability projects; MSc studies on any of this fields; enterprise communication skills and experience are a plus; good English level
  • 13/046 UVIC – Atta Community S.L. (CAT)[PDF, 305,15 KB.]
    Cooperative structures application for the improvement of learning processes in a virtual social network – Universitat de Vic (UVIC) – Atta Community S.L. – Ciències socials
  • 13/028 UVIC – Mind the Byte, S.L. (CAT)[PDF, 299,43 KB.]
    New cloud and ligand-based drug design techniques – Universitat de Vic (UVIC) – Mind the Byte, S.L. – Tecnologies de la informació i les comunicacions (TIC)
  • 13/107 UAB – 2 Vegan Natural Machines SL (CAT)[PDF, 293,69 KB.]
    Chocolate heating treatment prior to 3D printing – Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) – 2 Vegan Natural Machines SL – Ciències de la salut i biomèdiques

Invertebrate and vertebrate zoology assistant professor

Assistant professor needed to deploy the elective subjects of Invertebrate Zoology (6 ECTS) and Vertebrate Zoology (6 ECTS) for the current 2013-14 spring semester.

The contents of the courses focus on the study of the main groups in terms of diversity and taxonomy. The course will also review adaptative anatomical, physiological and behavioral traits of each group and some aspects of origin and evolution.

Requirements: Ph.D. degree and academic research record in the field.

Accreditation from a Quality Assessment Organization, ability to teach in English, teaching experience and relationships with research centers will also be considered.

To apply, send us your CV with the contact details of two referees and a letter of interest.


Ramón y Cajal tenure track positions

The Polytechnic School at UVic (EPS) invites you to apply to the Ramon y Cajal program funded by the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO).

In this call, the EPS is particularly interested in incorporating researchers that can cover some of these fields of the School, which link to both our research and teaching strategies:

  • Games and 3D design research and development for multiplatform applications (in collaboration with the Faculty of Business, Communication and Innovation)
  • Big data in biomedicine, including bioinformatics and medical image processing
  • Renewable energies and environmental technology and engineering
  • Active Aging (in collaboration with the Faculty of Health and Well-Being)
  • Sustainability science
  • Occupation safety and health engineering
  • Mechanical systems design, research and development for mechatronic applications
  • Research and development of organic, inorganic and composite materials in engineering
  • Advanced Biological and Physico-Chemical treatments of organic wastes (gaseous emissions, wastewater and solid wastes) and odours abatement.
  • Environmental Impact Assessment (Life Cycle Assessment tools) and Carbon Footprint
  • Terrestrial and Aquatic Ecology
  • Sustainable use of agricultural waste, co-products and by-products.
  • Sustainable food production systems (livestock production, crop production, eco-innovative food production systems and strategies)
  • Climate Change Mitigation
  • Nutrition, food technology and security (in collaboration with the Faculty of Health and Well-Being)

In this nation-wide call, the successful candidates will be selected, independent from the EPS, by a committee nominated by the MINECO composed by national and international researchers.
Contact us if you are interested in joining our team.

Looking for a new Dean

Dean of the Faculty of Science and Technology, U Science Tech (UST), at the University of Vic – Central University of Catalonia (UVic-UCC)


The Faculty of Science and Technology (U Science Tech, UST) is the UVic-UCC centre for teaching, research and knowledge transfer in biosciences and technology (
 It is a centre with strong ties to the other UVic-UCC faculties and research centres, while also fostering international teaching and research relationships in its fields of expertise: Materials Science, Mechatronics and Signal Processing; Food and Environmental Science and Technology; and Translational Biomedicine and Bioinformatics.

The new UST leadership post forms part of the UVic-UCC general plan. The distinctive nature of this university is its ownership by a non-profit independent foundation, under public control, to foster public service, with a combined local and international outlook. The successful candidate will have strong leadership skills in teaching, research and knowledge transfer in one of the two main UST areas of knowledge, in biosciences or, preferably, in technology. The UVic-UCC goal over the coming years is to continue UST growth, strengthening its areas of expertise, and maintain interdisciplinary ties within and beyond the centre itself.

The new Dean will be entrusted with carrying forward an innovative plan for research and knowledge transfer with local and global public and private stakeholders, boosting interaction between teaching and research at the centre. The specific tasks to be undertaken by the Dean are:

  • To represent the centre in and out of the university.
  • To supervise academic and administrative management of the centre.
  • To propose and manage the centre budget.
  • To plan and manage staffing in coordination with the corresponding vice-rectorates and the university general manager.
  • To plan and manage centre facilities in coordination with the university general manager.
  • To foster academic innovation programmes.
  • To strengthen the centre’s international activities.
  • To foster first rank research programmes in each of the centre’s areas of expertise, in accordance with the university’s strategic priorities.
  • To foster concerted knowledge transfer to the public and private sectors.
  • To show commitment to outreach programmes and engage the Faculty Board in the task of publicly communicating knowledge achievements, seeking tangible benefits for the centre.

It is also likely that the successful candidate will seek to establish their own research laboratory within the centre, leading a new line of research in one of the UST areas of expertise.


  • A PhD and experience in one of the centre’s fields of knowledge.
  • Accredited experience in university management.
  • Accredited experience in research and knowledge transfer (AQU research accreditation or similar).
  • Excellent English.
  • Common European Framework of Reference C1 advanced level in Catalan or a commitment to achieve this within a reasonable period after appointment.

The following will be considered advantages

  • Leadership or participation in international projects.
  • A minimum of 5 years of postdoctoral experience, with a minimum of 2 years abroad.
  • R&D&I industrial work experience.
  • Teamwork and leadership skills.
  • Specialist knowledge in various areas of centre expertise.
  • Enthusiasm to lead a personal research project within the Faculty.

Documentation to be submitted

  • A complete CV in AQU, ANECA, CVN or Europass format.
  • An outline CV on one page.
  • An affidavit of verification of the CV and willingness to accredit all information, on request.
  • A letter of motivation for the post, with contact details for two professional referees.

If you fit in, go to the submission page.