




Pradell, T (IP) and Salvadó N. (IP). UPC.

MINECO MAT2016-77753-R, 2017-2019.

Researchers UVIC-UCC: Montse Corbera and Judit Molera

Duration: 2016-2019



Objectives: analyse materials of historical-artistic interest with the object of recovering the knowledge about the materials and methods of production.

UVIC-UCC goals: Study glazes and decorated ceramic layers. The object of our study is not only to determine the nature of the materials but to obtain information about the technology involved, origin of the materials used and the link with other contemporary industries and, in such a way, recover the scientific and technological knowledge behind.

Methodology The study of those layers poses common specific problems from the analytical point of view because they shear some characteristics: they are thin layers (up to a few dozens of micrometres thick), formed by various materials, including a vitreous phase incorporating metallic ions as colouring agents, as well as micro- and nano-particles and alteration and reaction compounds.

The research group has a long lasting experience in the development of optimal methods for sample preparation, microscopic and microspectroscopic analytical techniques (MO,SEM-EDS, TEM, LA-ICPMS, UV-Vis, IR, Raman) as well as novel non-destructive and non-invasive microanalytical techniques using large the synchrotron light world-class (micro-XRD, EXAFS, micro-IR, micro-XRF) and ion beam (IBA) facilities.[/su_column]